:microphone: Prepare for the interviews and sum up the most popular interview problems for front-end(HTML/CSS/Javascript), Web development, full-stack. Also did some typical coding practice questions, such as UI caculator
- andyyouN/A
- bobweiLINE
- cameron93linSanta Clara
- CApopsicleSeattle, WA
- chenganmaMinnesota
- chenKuerMeta
- chihshenghuang
- chuanxdTaipei, Taiwan
- eric-xujun
- henghaopuLowe's
- im6New York, United States
- jack5241027Taipei,Taiwan
- janeruTaipei
- jianingYu
- LacticAcidCYC@Google, @Google-Photos
- lichong0309
- liuallen871219
- liuspencersjtuTikTok
- liz-pengMicrosoft
- lsijia0606Ann Arbor, MI
- lumanmannSeattle
- luolanlan123
- mengpeileeTesla
- mengting7twTaipei, Taiwan
- mil2041Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
- neekeyNarratiive
- ratafio
- shijiezhou1Singapore
- shun27
- tim70036Taiwan
- WeiWang120
- WigoHunterCornell Tech
- yangminglintwTaiwan
- ykhorzonDeepMentor
- yuhsinliu1993
- YunchiehUniversity of New South Wales