
qq-scaling workflows (Makefiles and output notebooks)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository contains code used to coordinate workflows that use the qq-scaling command line programs at:

Generic makefiles and template notebooks can be found in the top directory. Each subdirectory then contains configuration makefiles and executed notebooks relating to specific projects.

The steps involved in using the Makefile to build an execute a workflow for a particular project (project/) are:

  1. Create a configuration makefile (e.g. project/my_config.mk)
  2. Run make [target] [-nB] CONFIG=project/my_config.mk to implement either QDC or ECDFm.

-n is a dry run (i.e. just print the commands to the screen without running them) and -B forces all steps to be run (i.e. even if make thinks the output files already exist and are up-to-date).

The Makefile runs python programs in the /g/data/xv83/quantile-mapping/miniconda3/envs/qq-workflows conda environment, which is described by environment.yml.