This directory contains command line programs for applying quantile scaling.
The programs in this repository use the bias adjustment and downscaling functionality in xclim to apply quantile scaling.
Depending on the context, there are two different ways the programs can be used:
- To apply quantile delta changes (QDC) between an historical and future model simulation either additively or multiplicatively to observational data in order to produce climate projection data for a future time period.
- To remove quantile biases between an historical model simulation and observations from model data in order to produce bias corrected model data. This has been referred to as equidistant CDF matching (EDCDFm) in the case of additive bias correction or equiratio CDF matching (EQCDFm) in the case of multiplicative bias correction.
See docs/ and docs/ for a detailed description of these methods and how they are implemented in the qqscale software.
The scripts in this respository depend on the following Python libraries: netCDF4, xclim, xesmf, cmdline_provenance, gitpython, and pytest (if running the tests). A copy of the scripts and a software environment with those libraries installed can be accessed or created in a number of ways (see below):
If you're a member of the xv83
project on NCI
(i.e. if you're part of the Australian Climate Service),
you have access the code and an appropriate conda environment
at /g/data/xv83/quantile-mapping
You can therefore run the scripts as follows. e.g.:
$ /g/data/xv83/quantile-mapping/miniconda3/envs/qq-workflows/bin/python /g/data/xv83/quantile-mapping/qqscale/ -h
If you don't have access to a Python environment with the required packages pre-installed you'll need to create your own. For example:
$ conda install -c conda-forge netCDF4 xclim=0.36.0 pint=0.19.2 xesmf cmdline_provenance gitpython
You can then clone this GitHub repository and run the help option on one of the command line programs to check that everything is working. For example:
$ git clone
$ cd qqscale
$ python -h
At the command line, QDC and/or ECDFm can be achieved by running the following scripts:
to calculate the adjustment factors between an historical model dataset and a reference dataset (for QDC the reference dataset is a future model simulation; for ECDFm it is observations)
to apply the adjustment factors to the target data (for QDC the target data is observations; for ECDFm it is a model simulation)
See the files named docs/example_*.md
for detailed worked examples using these two command line programs.
Various command line workflows that use the qqscale software can be found at:
Starting with historical (ds_hist
), reference (ds_ref
) and target (ds_target
) xarray Datasets
containing the variable of interest (hist_var
, ref_var
and target_var
you can import the relevant functions from the scripts mentioned above.
For instance,
a typical workflow would look something like this:
import train
import adjust
ds_adjust = train.train(
scaling='additive', # use multiplicative for precip data
ssr=False, # Use True for precip data
ds_qq = adjust.adjust(
ssr=False, # Use True for precip data
Questions or comments are welcome at the GitHub repostory
associated with the code: