- 4
[EMSUSD-1798] export visibility from abc
#3995 opened by kimuss - 1
Fails to export animated visibility if animated visibility is connection from a loaded alembic
#4059 opened by BigRoy - 1
- 5
Material Import fails to set texture paths when shader inputs:file properties are connected
#3836 opened by andrewkaufman - 2
[EMSUSD-1949] Group an "over" prim with reference cause the reference to be flattened and the prim to become a "def"
#4045 opened by marceloserchelihh - 1
[EMSUSD-1845] 'Tear off copy..' Maya viewport function defaults to perspective view if looking through UFE camera
#4012 opened by csyshing - 2
- 14
Unexpected render item behavior for 'casts shadows'
#3928 opened by csyshing - 1
very small bug on default prim
#3996 opened by kimuss - 6
Registered stage writer for mayaUsdProxyShape is not overloadable in python [EMSUSD-1769]
#3981 opened by nanderson-cinesite - 3
- 1
Display Color Export Issue
#3973 opened by Ziethriel - 5
- 3
[EMSUSD-1735] Moving a component will reset the rotation value to 0, rotating will move the pivot to the center since 0.28
#3944 opened by weihsiang-megalis - 3
[EMSUSD-1712] Importing an asset with blendshapes and then re-exporting the imported asset will not yield correct blendshapes
#3921 opened by BeardedPlatypus - 0
Ability to route prim metadata edits
#3778 opened by jufrantz - 2
- 2
My preferences to show the Node Library & "Connect Nodes on Creation" on the Bifrost Graph editor don't "stick."
#3931 opened by pixelwash - 5
Problem with Arnold USD instancing in Bifrost.
#3933 opened by pixelwash - 9
- 2
Installing MayaUSD 0.29.0 for Maya 2024.2 Breaks LookdevX 1.2 in Wndows 11
#3885 opened by markainslie - 7
Merge Maya Edits to USD, when Skeletons are involved, ends up in an error
#3765 opened by daniele-niero - 1
Plugin loaded from UNC path crashes when loading USD file containing MaterialX (MaterialXGenShaderMayaUSD.dll)
#3895 opened by pzloty - 1
ProxyAccessor driven by referenced transform does not evaluate after re-opening scene
#3898 opened by ika-rporter - 1
Getting custom layer data crashes Maya
#3877 opened by vinRosso - 5
(EMSUSD-1504) Warning Spam when re-loading mayaUsdPlugin
#3859 opened by dj-mcg - 4
- 1
[EMSUSD-1482] Hypershade Create USDPreviewSurface Makes Legacy USDPreviewSurface
#3865 opened by Ziethriel - 2
mayaUsd.ufe.getAllStages cannot see stage after mayaUsdProxyShape was renamed (on the first execution)
#3860 opened by p0las - 2
Append Flag/Prim Path Flag does not take into account transforms leading to the specified prim path
#3847 opened by vcandelam - 2
Materials refresh too aggressively, causing lag
#3832 opened by cawney4 - 1
Accessing JobExportArgs "referenceObjectMode" or "exportRelativeTextures" from Python would cause Maya to crash
#3809 opened by csyshing - 3
MayaUSD plugin load debugging
#3846 opened by boberfly - 1
Duplicate Shape Node on Import
#3837 opened by flipsidezagit - 8
ufe.PathString.path returns incorrect path if given path starts with |world
#3822 opened by ika-rporter - 0
- 0
LookDevX crashing on connection break
#3829 opened by dgovil - 0
- 1
An issue with Qt while building
#3817 opened by CPlusPlus-enthusiast - 12
Build script cannot detect a suitable python version
#3803 opened by UsdPadawan - 2
Have the skeleton prim to root joint mapping available in the import chaser sdf to dag node map when the skeleton prim is not named the same as the root node and maya:generated = 1
#3707 opened by BeardedPlatypus - 2
Improving referencing of materialX files
#3789 opened by sharktacos - 1
Pixar Light Colors Gama Corrected
#3792 opened by Viewgob - 1
Importing files with explicit normals (in this case from CAD data) discards (or recomputes) normals
#3779 opened by instinct-vfx - 0
- 6
Loading stage layers under new parent xform
#3743 opened by BSalem - 1
Allow for 1-to-1 shader translation
#3745 opened by BramStout - 2
[EMSUSD-1276] Relative paths are not retained in mayaUsdProxyShape.filePath attributes
#3751 opened by jufrantz - 3
- 1
Exporting curves to USD, meters per unit ignored
#3733 opened by bogdanamidzic