
Add ability to change mode

jacobperron opened this issue · 5 comments

Could have a subscriber that listens to a custom message for changing the mode of Create (OFF, PASSIVE, SAFE, and FULL). Or as a minimum, have a parameter to the node that starts the robot in SAFE or FULL mode.

Added functionality to set-modes branch. Will merge after testing.

@jacobperron I'm trying to send a Roomba a command to go into passive mode from ROS. How far did you get with this branch?

@andrewrgross It was so long ago, I don't recall exactly why I stopped working on this. If I remember correctly, the branch is pretty much feature-complete, but I may have ran into a bug/behaviour issue that I didn't resolve.

@andrewrgross Did you find anything? I'm going to start working on this as well - just started working with ROS on a Roomba Create 2.

I did actually! It may or may not be useful to you depending on your function, but it turns out that if you send a docking command and it docks, it goes into passive mode! This is the command:

rostopic pub -1 dock std_msgs/Empty

If it's on the dock and you press this, it goes passive, and then if you undock, it becomes active again:

rostopic pub -1 undock std_msgs/Empty

I included a bit more info here:

and here: