Tesla Car Sales SQL Report

Data Source: Here

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Project Objective

The objective of this report is to provide valuable insights that will help Tesla's management plan better for future production.

This report highlights the key attributes of the data, including model, period, country, purchase_type, version, price, and gross profit.

🛠️ Research Questions

1. What is the total number of car ordered

2. Total profit made in the 2016, 1st and 2nd quarter

3. What are the countries that demand tesla cars

4. What model of tesla car is available

5. Profit made by car model

6. Profit made by countries

7. Top three model version preferred in different countries

8. Preferred car model in different countries

9. Available means of payment

10. Orders made through available purchase_type

11. Profit made by month

Create Table

CREATE TABLE car_sales (
        id INT PRIMARY KEY,
        model VARCHAR(255),
        period INT,
        country VARCHAR(255),
        purchase_type VARCHAR(255),
        version VARCHAR(255),
        price DECIMAL(10, 2),
        gross_profit DECIMAL(10, 2)

Insert Sample Data

    INSERT INTO car_sales (id, model, period, country, purchase_type, version, price, gross_profit)
    (1,'Model S',201601,'US','Deposit','75D AWD',75700,22407.30),
    (2,'Model S',201601,'US','Cash purchase','75D AWD',75700,22407.30),
    (3,'Model S',201601,'US','Cash purchase','75 RWD',70700,20927.30),
    (4,'Model S',201601,'US','Cash purchase','75 RWD',70700,20927.30),
    (5,'Model S',201601,'US','Cash purchase','75 RWD',70700,20927.30),

select * from car_sales limit 5;
id model period country purchase_type version price gross_profit
1 Model S 201601 US Deposit 75D AWD 75700.00 22407.30
2 Model S 201601 US Cash purchase 75D AWD 75700.00 22407.30
3 Model S 201601 US Cash purchase 75 RWD 70700.00 20927.30
4 Model S 201601 US Cash purchase 75 RWD 70700.00 20927.30
5 Model S 201601 US Cash purchase 75 RWD 70700.00 20927.30

1. What is the total number of car ordered

    select count(id) total_orders from car_sales;

2. Total profit made in the 2016, 1st and 2nd quarter

    select concat('$',sum(gross_profit)) gross_profit from car_sales;

3. What are the countries that demand tesla cars

    select distinct country from car_sales;

4. What model of tesla car is available

    select distinct model from car_sales;
Model X
Model S

5. Profit made by car model

select model, concat('$',sum(gross_profit)) as profit from car_sales
    group by model
    order by profit desc;
model profit
Model X $7273780.00
Model S $10961000.10

6. Profit made by countries

with country_profit as(
    	select country, sum(gross_profit) as profit from car_sales
    	group by country
    	order by profit desc
    select country, concat('$', profit) as profit from country_profit;
country profit
US $16030886.90
Germany $1427345.10
Australia $776548.10

7. Top three model version preferred in different countries

with top_3_preferred_version as (
    select country, version, count(version) qty_bought,
    row_number() over(partition by country) as rnk
    	from car_sales
    group by country, version
    order by country, qty_bought
    select country, version, qty_bought
    from top_3_preferred_version
    where rnk <= 3
    order by country, qty_bought desc;
country version qty_bought
Australia 75 RWD 42
Australia P90D 12
Australia 90D 3
Germany 75 RWD 34
Germany 60D AWD 16
Germany 75D AWD 8
US 75 RWD 231
US 60D AWD 151
US 75D AWD 66

8. Preferred car model in different countries

with country_preferred_car_model as (
    select country, model, count(version) qty_bought,
    row_number() over(partition by country) as rnk
    	from car_sales
    group by country, model
    order by country, qty_bought
    select country, model, qty_bought
    from country_preferred_car_model
    where rnk <= 3
    order by country, qty_bought desc;
country model qty_bought
Australia Model S 42
Australia Model X 15
Germany Model S 80
Germany Model X 13
US Model S 480
US Model X 294

9. Available means of payment

    select distinct purchase_type from car_sales;
Cash purchase

10. Orders made through available purchase_type

select purchase_type, count(id) as orders
    from car_sales
    group by purchase_type
    order by orders;
purchase_type orders
Deposit 404
Cash purchase 520

11. Profit made by month

with monthly_profit as(
    	select gross_profit, 
    		case when right(period, 2) = '01' then 'January'
    		when right(period, 2) = '02' then 'February'
    		when right(period, 2) = '03' then 'March'
    		when right(period, 2) = '04' then 'April'
    		when right(period, 2) = '05' then 'May'
    		when right(period, 2) = '06' then 'June'
    		else period end as _month
    	from car_sales
    select _month, sum(gross_profit) as 'monthly_profit($)'
    from monthly_profit
    group by _month
    order by 'monthly_profit($)' desc;
_month monthly_profit($)
January 1311806.60
February 4638103.90
March 3776738.40
April 5267557.60
May 2403688.90
June 836884.70