
Tracking ML experiments using gin-config, wandb, comet.ml and S3.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



This is a simple wrapper around gin-config (https://github.com/google/gin-config/) with connection to Weights&Biases, comet.ml and S3 to train Keras models and keep track of them. Please see the documentation for gin-config for more information on how to use gin.


pip install gin-train



$ gt --help
usage: gt [-h] [--gin-bindings GIN_BINDINGS] [--gpu GPU]
          [--framework FRAMEWORK] [-c COMETML_PROJECT] [-w WANDB_PROJECT]
          [--remote-dir REMOTE_DIR] [--run-id RUN_ID] [-n NOTE_PARAMS]
          gin-files output-dir

Train a model using gin-config

      gin_file: comma separated list of gin files
      output_dir: where to store the results. Note: a subdirectory `run_id`
        will be created in `output_dir`.
      gin_bindings: comma separated list of additional gin-bindings to use
      gpu: which gpu to use. Example: gpu=1
      framework: which framework to use. Available: tf
      cometml_project: comet_ml project name. Example: Avsecz/basepair.
        If not specified, cometml will not get used
      wandb_project: wandb `<entity>/<project>` name. Example: Avsecz/test.
        If not specified, wandb will not be used
      remote_dir: additional path to the remote directory. Can be an s3 path.
        Example: `s3://mybucket/model1/exp1`
      run_id: manual run id. If not specified, it will be either randomly
        generated or re-used from wandb or comet.ml.
      note_params: take note of additional key=value pairs.
        Example: --note-params note='my custom note',feature_set=this
      force_overwrite: if True, the output directory will be overwritten

positional arguments:
  gin-files             -
  output-dir            -

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gin-bindings GIN_BINDINGS
  --gpu GPU             0
  --framework FRAMEWORK
  -w WANDB_PROJECT, --wandb-project WANDB_PROJECT
  --remote-dir REMOTE_DIR
  --run-id RUN_ID       -
  -n NOTE_PARAMS, --note-params NOTE_PARAMS
  --force-overwrite     False
  • gin_file can be a single or multiple gin files. That allows you to re-use for example the problem definition parts of the gin config and the model definition part of gin-config.


gt problem.gin,model.gin default/ --gpu=1 -c Avsecz/basepair-chipseq-cls -f

where the gin files are the following: