a CLI that provides a generic automation layer for assessing the security of ML models
- 0
Did a fork and ra GHAS on the code base.
#94 opened by kencrismoncw - 0
Add CVE ID to documentation for wiki post
#93 opened by j--- - 1
Inconsistent attribute and method names
#91 opened by lil1n - 0
EXCEPTION of type 'AttributeError' occurred with message: type object 'Config' has no attribute 'targets_path'
#92 opened by wearetyomsmnv - 2
Contact email does not exist and emails sent to it are undeliverable
#77 opened by tylermneher - 0
not able to set this on macbook
#88 opened by niteenkole - 1
Getting class gradient not found while running other attacks except hop_skip_jump
#80 opened by ghousethanedar - 1
Help importing Target
#81 opened by Barraque - 0
- 5
Error with Anaconda Python environment install
#56 opened by mikemishal - 8
Error opening
#64 opened by pstarconsult - 2
- 1
- 2
- 6
Unable to Load from Config.json
#38 opened by jiansuozhe - 0
Samples only set once
#42 opened by moohax - 0
Key Error Updating Logger
#41 opened by moohax - 0
Clean up `run_attack` in ``
#40 opened by moohax - 0
- 17
- 0
Traitlets in Jupyter VSCode is broken
#37 opened by moohax - 0
Parameters in ART not set correctly
#36 opened by moohax - 4
interact creditfraud issue - segmentation fault.
#35 opened by Hobstarr - 3
EXCEPTION of type 'AttributeError' occurred with message: 'list' object has no attribute 'shape'
#25 opened by lzomlot - 1
EXCEPTION of type 'IndexError' occurred with message: tuple index out of range
#22 opened by krisbock - 3
Problem running
#34 opened by Hobstarr - 5
support for non probability outputs
#21 opened by priamai - 2
Batch processing
#16 opened by mprhode - 1
- 3
Info about the credit card fraud target
#31 opened by robomotic - 2
Parsing issue in scan.
#9 opened by erickgalinkin - 1
TextAttack load fails on Windows
#20 opened by coldwaterq - 1
the Azure button to launch
#23 opened by the1220 - 2
AttributeError with moviereviews tutorial
#15 opened by einderyl - 4
TextAttack API changed
#13 opened by einderyl - 1
Permission error on Azure Deployment
#10 opened by chinmoyrajpal - 3
Info on parameter ranges
#7 opened by dsvrsec - 3
Broken link
#6 opened by DeanGross - 2
Tutorial MNIST step 7
#5 opened by cheahengsoon - 0
#3 opened by LINPACK-Infinity