Microsoft Authentication Library extensions (MSAL EX) provides a persistence API that can save your data on disk, encrypted on Windows, macOS and Linux. Concurrent data access will be coordinated by a file lock mechanism.
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[Bug] `msal_extensions.token_cache.PersistedTokenCache` is bypassed by `ConfidentialClientApplication`
#127 opened by jiasli - 0
Setup nightly build to test with MSAL's dev branch
#129 opened by rayluo - 3
DeprecationWarning: The distutils package is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12
#123 opened by fredrike - 0
- 1
distutils was removed in Python 3.12
#121 opened by edgarrmondragon - 1
Make `portalocker` dependency optional
#116 opened by jiasli - 0
MSAL extensions fails in Anaconda linux environment
#114 opened by ianhelle - 2
Libsecret encryption is not working on ubuntu
#106 opened by billuk21 - 0
Windows-style line ending all over the place
#112 opened by bluca - 1
Create MSI Token Provider
#9 opened by marstr - 1
Create Service Principal Token Provider
#8 opened by marstr - 1
Create Token Provider Chain
#7 opened by marstr - 1
Create Token Cache Provider
#6 opened by marstr - 2
Provide a default persistence per OS
#87 opened by mparry - 3
Error installing PyGObject
#99 opened by adimenia - 1
Consider removing `portalocker` dependency
#96 opened by chlowell - 2
Lic not exposed in metadata in 0.3.0
#101 opened by nazq - 1
Cache resiliency improvements
#61 opened by abhidnya13 - 3
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API for testing whether persistence is available
#92 opened by chlowell - 3
Support `portalocker` >=2
#94 opened by dhirschfeld - 4
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Roadmap for first stable release
#79 opened by chlowell - 2
Add integration tests for interoperability testing with other extensions libraries
#82 opened by sangonzal - 0
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Poetry cannot install msal-extensions
#62 opened by chlowell - 3
- 0
Add license and SCM to
#75 opened by tsteenbe - 0
Investigate OS errors returned for encryption scenarios on Windows and MacOS
#64 opened by abhidnya13 - 0
Observation: The current stress test failed once
#70 opened by rayluo - 3
DP API Tests Fail in TravisCI
#21 opened by marstr - 2
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The cache lock cannot be removed on Windows 10 if placed inside the user home directory.
#42 opened by olegvereshchynsky - 0
License file missing from built artifacts
#36 opened by corey-cole - 3
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Create a KeyChain Token Cache (MacOS Only)
#3 opened by marstr - 0
Create Secret Backend Mux
#5 opened by marstr - 1
- 0
Adopt msal~=0.4
#22 opened by marstr - 0
Create a DP API Token Cache (Windows Only)
#1 opened by marstr - 0
Create CrossPlatLock Analog
#2 opened by marstr