This repo is a live list of papers on game playing and large multimodality model - "A Survey on Game Playing Agents and Large Models: Methods, Applications, and Challenges".
- 5oclockshadow
- audreycsDartmouth College
- Boyu-Mi@OpenRobotLab
- canyuchenIllinois Institute of Technology
- chi93
- co1oneBeijing
- fly51flyPRIS
- GuaGuaGod
- indyscriabinPalo Alto, CA, USA
- InvokerStark
- iphysresearchICTP-AP
- IrineSistianaEarth C-137
- isyuhaochenUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- jinx2018SH
- jyc-233
- khromai
- leonkdingPeking University
- lianzhanbiaoiscas
- lilitttaa
- LostThinkerChina
- magicwindOriente
- MinxZTokyo, Japan
- odiseo0
- QAQdevWestlake University
- readleyj
- rshaojimmyProfessor at HIT(Shenzhen)
- shure-devJapan
- tellarin@BAAI
- xcfcode
- xieyuquanxxHarbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen
- XinrunXuUCAS
- Yifei-Bi
- yuys0602
- z0ngqing
- ZessayAlibaba Group
- Zilize