
List of resources that I use all the time. Robotics, Control, Dynamics, EE


List of resources that I use all the time throughout my jobs and school. Robotics, Controls, Dynamics, EE, CS

Embedded Systems and Programming:

Introduction to Computer Science

Solving problems using code

Practice and develop your coding skills

Great curated list of embedded resources from nhivp

Networking and Telecommunications



Feynman's Lectures on Physics

Control Systems, Aerospace, Flight Mechanics

My youtube playlist: Youtube Playlist

This is a great pdf that goes over the entire span of modeling, simulation, and control (From classical to modern) systems: Control System Master Guide

Brian Douglas posts some great Khan Academy-like tutorials on control theory and design techniques Brian Douglas Control Tutorials

And MATLAB tech talks (By Brian Douglas again): More Brian Douglas

If you have a better handle on Linear Algebra and Differential Equations you can check out this playlist for modern control fundamentals: Control BootCamp

This website is a great resource that takes you through various problems, shows you how to model them with mechanics/differential equations, and design controllers/implement them using MATLAB/Simulink. This website is great because it also shows you how to design controllers using both classical and modern techniques: Control Examples

This website also has hardware examples on Arduino: Hardware Examples

Here are two videos that take you through control of a line following robot: Line Following

Optimal Control/Optimization Methods: Youtube Playlist

Flight Mechanics: Youtube Playlist

Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering: EdX Course

Upenn Quadrotor Course Upenn Course

Coursera Spacecraft Dynamics and Controls Course: Coursera


Simulating Arduino Circuits at Home

Brushed vs Brushless DC Motors


Moar Soldering

Multimeter Basics

Circuits Playlist

Buck Converters/Current Limiters

Learn Arduino in 15 Minutes

Dr. H's High School Robotics Camp Guides

Arduino Tutorials

Servo Control with Raspberry Pi

Kinematics, Dynamics, Localization, and other Robotics topics

Mac Toussaint's Robotics course

Robot Localization

Bayes' Theorem

ROS Localization Package

Occupancy Grids

Calculate Robot's Forward Kinematics

More About Robot Kinematics

Basic PathFinding

Basic PathTracking

Arm Robot Kinematics and Joints

ROS Tutorials

ROS Kinetic

Follow this ROS Installation Guide Remember to perform the desktop-full installation

When you are finished installing, you will need to configure your work space. Follow: Workspace Setup

Remember to source your setup.bash files (You will need to source these files anytime you open a new terminal window and you would want to perform rosrun/roslaunch commands to start up your ROS code:

source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
source devel/setup.bash

ROS Resources

Start here: ROS Computational Graph Levels

ClearPath Robotics' Getting Started Guide: ClearPath Guide

Jason M. O'Kane's Book "A Gentle Introduction to ROS": ROS Intro Book

Check out the video version: ROS Video Playlist

The Construct is a great Youtube channel that has a ton of material on ROS and its features: The Construct Playlist

And MooresRobots is a good place to sort of combine everything you know about robotics (Control systems, ROS, hardware): MooresRobots

Go here LINK or follow through the list:

  1. Configuring your ROS environment: ROS Tutorial 1

  2. ROS Filesystem (Optional, works the same way as navigating Linux filesystem):ROS Tutorial Optional

  3. Creating ROS Package: ROS Tutorial 3

  4. Building ROS Package: ROS Tutorial 4

  5. Understanding ROS Nodes (Optional): ROS Tutorial Optional 2

  6. Understanding ROS Topics (Optional): ROS Tutorial Optional 3

  7. Writing a Publisher/Subscriber in Python: ROS Tutorial 7

  8. Examining Publisher/Subscriber in Python: ROS Tutorial 8