OpenABM-Covid19: an agent-based model for modelling the spread of SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) and control interventions for the Covid-19 epidemic
- ameroueh
- brynmathias@Facultyai
- c97sr
- cepedus@Zefir-Engineering
- cshenton
- danftang
- dbmurrayAustralia
- docpaulcScotland
- ekgUniversity of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC)
- erwinfs
- herkocoomansMinistry of Health, Welfare and Sport of The Netherlands
- IhabBendidiENS Paris
- imartinezl
- imrehg@facultyai
- ityogiBangalore, India
- jarib@jarib | @vgno
- joaquincabezasAdevinta
- joerischasfoortMoney & Macro Media
- jorisgeerBrisbane
- kelvin-van-vuuren@skyral-group
- kirchnergoBerlin, Germany
- leftygray@The-Kirby-Institute
- mattNHSX
- meleksomaiChicago
- MFaisalZakiSt-Andrews
- MichelleKendallUniversity of Warwick
- MJ-GirlingUniversity of Leeds
- NicoleMather
- programLyriqueCzechia
- ptrein
- riccife
- rishistypingParis, FR
- rory-improbable
- SaadAhmed96Karachi, Pakistan
- yashshah260Amazon
- yutingmiao