
Biodiversity Genomics Academy 2023: BUSCO - from QC to gene prediction and phylogenomics

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BUSCO - from QC to gene prediction and phylogenomics

This session is part of Biodiversity Genomics Academy 2023

Session Leader(s)

Robert Waterhouse
Director, Environmental Bioinformatics Group SIB
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

Website: www.rmwaterhouse.org
Twitter: rmwaterhouse
Mastodon: @rmwaterhouse


By the end of this session you will be able to:

  1. Understand the main uses of BUSCO in genomics
  2. Understand how BUSCO operates behind the scenes
  3. Run example assessments of genomic data with BUSCO
  4. Navigate your way around the main BUSCO outputs

Set up your GitPod Account BEFORE the Workshop

[1] You must first have a GitHub account
[2] You must first have a GitPod account LINKED to your GitHub account
See instructions here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gwnq1y80KQ_LwiBJ4mhBfrDfnkqIlWdm8dLj1GQyHQ4/edit?usp=sharing


  1. Understanding of linux command line basics
  2. Understanding of basic concepts of orthology and homology
  3. Understanding of main metrics used to evaluate genomics data quality
  4. Understanding of basic concepts of phylogenomics

!!! warning "Please make sure you MEET THE PREREQUISITES and READ THE DESCRIPTION above"

You will get the most out of this session if you meet the prerequisites above.

Please also read the description carefully to see if this session is relevant to you.

If you don't meet the prerequisites or change your mind based on the description or are no longer available at the session time, please email tol-training at sanger.ac.uk to cancel your slot so that someone else on the waitlist might attend.


Slides are in the data folder: https://github.com/BGAcademy23/busco/blob/main/data/BGA23-BUSCO.pdf
Practical exercises here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TsKiHk6e2CEjJ_cfqnsfQ7PNesHJ7KjUTVmxYwITaVg/edit?usp=sharing