
Biodiversity Genomics Academy 2023: Aligning whole genomes using Cactus

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Aligning whole genomes using Cactus

This session is part of Biodiversity Genomics Academy 2023

Session Leader(s)

Chiara Bortoluzzi, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Thiago A.L. Genez, European Bioinformatics Institute, United Kingdom


By the end of this session you will be able to:

  1. Run cactus yourself
  2. Understand how the cactus algorithm works
  3. Understand what input data are required in cactus
  4. Get familiar with some downstream analyses that require a multiple sequence alignment


  • Expertise with linux command line basics
  • Understanding of basic concepts of multiple sequence alignments

!!! warning "Please make sure you MEET THE PREREQUISITES and READ THE DESCRIPTION above"

You will get the most out of this session if you meet the prerequisites above.

Please also read the description carefully to see if this session is relevant to you.

If you don't meet the prerequisites or change your mind based on the description or are no longer available at the session time, please email tol-training at sanger.ac.uk to cancel your slot so that someone else on the waitlist might attend.