
gamete cell assisted chromosome-scale phased diploid assembler

Primary LanguagePerl


Gamete cell assisted chromosome-scale phased diploid assembler.
Below is the analysis flowchart of gcaPDA.




Before running gcaPDA, please install the following softwares.

R(v3.4.3): require packages: optparse, HMM,Hapi, etc.
FALCON/pb-assembly(falcon-kit 1.4.4): https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/pb-assembly 
juicer: https://github.com/aidenlab/juicer 
3d-dna: https://github.com/aidenlab/3d-dna 
bbmap:  https://jgi.doe.gov/data-and-tools/bbtools/bb-tools-user-guide/bbmap-guide 
bowtie2 (v2.3.5.1): http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/index.shtml 
samtools (v1.9): http://www.htslib.org/download 
bcftools (v1.9):  http://www.htslib.org/download 
Hapi: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/Hapi/ 
yak: https://github.com/lh3/yak
hifiasm: https://github.com/chhylp123/hifiasm 

Step by step analysis command

Part I. building an initial assembly

  • Run FALCON/pb-assembly(using HiFi reads as input):

    .  /opt/Anaconda/Anaconda2/anaconda2/bin/activate
    source activate pb-assembly
    fc_run fc_run_maize.cfg

       An example of fc_run_maize.cfg

  • Run Juicer and 3d-dna (Hi-C scaffolding)

    python juicer/misc/generate_site_positions.py $enzyme  Maize.p_ctg.fa  Maize.p_ctg.fa
    perl get_sequence_length.pl Maize.p_ctg.fa > Maize.p_ctg.fa.size.txt
    juicer.sh -d ./ -s $enzyme -p Maize.p_ctg.fa.size.txt -y Maize.p_ctg.fa_$enzyme.txt -z  Maize.p_ctg.fa  (put your Hi-C FASTQ files under folder ./fastq)
    3d-dna/run-asm-pipeline.sh -m haploid -r 2 Maize.p_ctg.fa merged_nodups.txt (merged_nodups.txt file was generated by juicer.sh)

Part II. reconstruction of haplotypes

  • Gamete cell reads preprossing:

    bbmap/bbduk.sh -Xmx3g in=S1_1.fq.gz in2=S2_2.fq.gz out=S1_1.clean.fq.gz  out2=S1_2.clean.fq.gz  ref=BGISEQ.adapter.fa threads=4 ktrim=r k=17 mink=7 hdist=1 tpe tbo qtrim=rl trimq=15 minlength=80
  • Building mapping index:

      bowtie2-build initial.ref.fa  initial.ref 
  • Gamete cell reads mapping (using sample S1 as example):

    bowtie2 -p 4 -X 800 --rg-id S1 --rg S1 -x  initial.ref   -1 S1_1.clean.fq.gz -2 S1_2.clean.fq.gz > S1.sam
    samtools sort -@ 4 S1.sam >S1.bam  && samtools index S1.bam
  • SNP calling and filtering:

    bcftools mpileup -b bam.list  -d 500 -f  initial.ref.fa   -q 10 --ff SECONDARY -a AD,ADF,ADR,DP,SP  -Ob -o maizeF1.bcf
    bcftools call -o maizeF1.call.bcf -Ob -cv -p 0.01 maizeF1.bcf
    bcftools filter -e '%QUAL<20 || INFO/AF1 <0.3 || INFO/AF1 >0.7' -g 5  -Ov maizeF1.call.bcf |grep -v INDEL |awk '$5!~/,/' >maizeF1.filter.vcf

       An example of bam.list

  • Gamete cell quality control:

    perl SNPStatv2.pl maizeF1.filter.vcf $depth_cutoff >maizeF1.filter.vcf.stat
    Rscript SNPStatPlot.R -f maizeF1.filter.vcf.stat
    identify low quality cells based on missing SNP rate and heterozygous SNP rate
    perl extractAndReformat.pl  maizeF1.filter.vcf 5 >genotype.matrix
    cut -f XX,XX,XX --complement genotype.matrix >genotype.removeLowQ.matrix.txt  (XX,XX refers to column number of failed cells)
  • Reconstruction of chromosome-scale haplotypes

    Rscript --vanilla RunHapi.R -f genotype.removeLowQ.matrix.txt  -o genotype.removeLowQ.matrix.txt.out.txt
    Rscript --vanilla draw.R -m  genotype.removeLowQ.matrix.txt.out.txt   -c Cent.txt

       An example of Cent.txt

Part III. partition and normalization of gamete cell

  • Parsing haplotype blocks from Hapi result

    Rscript --vanilla IdentifyCVv2.R -f genotype.removeLowQ.matrix.txt.out.txt -o cvOutput 
    perl addChr.pl genotype.removeLowQ.matrix.txt.out.txt  cvOutput >cvOutput.chr
    perl process_cv_output.pl  cvOutput.chr  1000000 >cvOutput.chr.clean 2>cvOutput.chr.clean.filtered
    perl CV2PhasedBlock.pl Chr.Len cvOutput.chr.clean  5000000   (it will output files: S1.block, S2.block,...S40.block)
    using sample S1 as an example:
    cut -f $CHROM,$POS,$S1,$hap1,$hap2 genotype.removeLowQ.matrix.txt.out.txt >S1.txt
    perl BlockOrigin.pl S1.block S1.txt (it will output files: S1.block.hap1 and S1.block.hap2)

       An example of Chr.Len

  • Extracting gamete reads according to haplotype blocks (using sample S1 as an example):

    samtools view -h -L S1.block.hap1 S1.bam | samtools view -h  -bS - >S1.hap1.bam 
    samtools view -h -L S1.block.hap2 S1.bam | samtools view -h  -bS - >S1.hap2.bam
  • Merging haplotype reads:

    samtools merge -@ 4 -b hap1.bam.list  hap1.merged.bam  
    samtools merge -@ 4 -b hap2.bam.list  hap2.merged.bam
  • Sorting bam file by read names:

    samtools sort -@ 4 -n -o hap1.merged.sortByName.bam  hap1.merged.bam
    samtools sort -@ 4 -n -o hap2.merged.sortByName.bam  hap2.merged.bam
  • Extracting haplotype reads from bam files:

    samtools  fastq  -N  -F 0x900 -@ 4 -1 hap1.read1.fq -2 hap1.read2.fq -s hap1.singleton.fq  hap1.merged.sortByName.bam
    samtools  fastq  -N  -F 0x900 -@ 4 -1 hap2.read1.fq -2 hap2.read2.fq -s hap2.singleton.fq  hap2.merged.sortByName.bam
    rm hap1.merged.bam  hap2.merged.bam hap1.merged.sortByName.bam hap2.merged.sortByName.bam (optional)
  • Normalization of haplotype reads:

    bbnorm.sh in=hap1.read1.fq in2=hap1.read2.fq out=hap1.40x.read1.fq out2=hap1.40x.read2.fq target=40 prefilter=t -Xmx400g threads=40  tmpdir=./ percentile=25  hist=in.hist.txt histout=out.hist.txt
    bbnorm.sh in=hap2.read1.fq in2=hap2.read2.fq out=hap2.40x.read1.fq out2=hap2.40x.read2.fq target=40 prefilter=t -Xmx400g threads=40  tmpdir=./ percentile=25  hist=in.hist.txt histout=out.hist.txt

Part IV. generating chromosome-scale phased diploid assembly

  • Breaking normalized haplotype reads into k-mers:

    yak  count  -b37 -t32 -o hap1.yak <(cat hap1.40x.read1.fq hap1.40x.read2.fq) <(cat hap1.40x.read1.fq hap1.40x.read2.fq)
    yak  count  -b37 -t32 -o hap2.yak <(cat hap2.40x.read1.fq hap2.40x.read2.fq) <(cat hap2.40x.read1.fq hap2.40x.read2.fq)
  • Running hifiasm:

    hifiasm -t 100 -1 hap1.yak  -2 hap2.yak   -o MaizeF1  simulated.B73.HiFi.gz  simulated.SK.HiFi.gz
    awk '/^S/{print ">"$2;print $3}' MaizeF1.hap1.p_ctg.gfa > MaizeF1.hap1.p_ctg.fa
    awk '/^S/{print ">"$2;print $3}' MaizeF1.hap2.p_ctg.gfa > MaizeF1.hap2.p_ctg.fa
  • Running Juicer and 3d-DNA (Hi-C scaffolding) as described in Part I.

    run juicer and 3d-DNA using MaizeF1.hap1.p_ctg.fa as input
    run juicer and 3d-DNA using MaizeF1.hap2.p_ctg.fa as input


To be determined


gcaPDA is freely available for academic use and other non-commercial use.