Problem during annotation

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Dear Ingo,

During the annotation of one dataset I got the following error:

Problem occurred: 2!
problem 1!
problem 1!
Problem occurred: 2!
problem 1!
problem 1!
problem 1!
problem 1!
problem 1!
Problem occurred: 2!
problem 1!
problem 1!
problem 1!
problem 1!
problem 1!
problem 1!
problem 1!
Problem occurred: 2!
problem 1!
problem 1!
Problem occurred: 2!
problem 1!
problem 1!
Problem occurred: 2!
Problem occurred: 2!
problem 1!
Problem occurred: 2!
problem 1!
problem 1!
problem 1!
problem 1!
Problem occurred: 2!
Problem occurred: 2!
problem 1!
problem 1!
problem 1!
problem 1!
problem 1!
problem 1!
Problem occurred: 2!
problem 1!
Problem occurred: 2!
Problem occurred: 2!
problem 1!
Problem occurred: 2!
problem 1!
Problem occurred: 2!
problem 1!
problem 1!
Problem occurred: 2!
problem 1!
Problem occurred: 2!
problem 1!
problem 1!
Problem occurred: 2!
Problem occurred: 2!
problem 1!
problem 1!
Problem occurred: 2!
Problem occurred: 2!
problem 1!
Problem occurred: 2!
Problem occurred: 2!
Problem occurred: 2!
problem 1!
problem 1!
problem 1!
problem 1!
problem 1!
Problem occurred: 2!
problem 1!
problem 1!
Problem occurred: 2!
Problem occurred: 2!
Deleting temporary output file...
--> annotation finished.
tool start: 23/02/2020 13:13:19:0
tool end  : 24/02/2020 4:12:16:0

Any clues on what it means ?



Hi @Cataescuderoo ,
that is error messages from the annotation of either PFAM or smart or both. Somehow the input IDs of your sequences did not match with the IDs in the PFAM/smart output.
How does the header of your Fasta sequences look like?
P.S.: I am not Ingo, but I can take a look at the problem if you want :)

Hi @trvinh
I changed the headers and run the annotation again and now it works.

Thank you!