Wrappers for external software calls (Cellpose, Elastix, Ilastix...) and java utilities (object conversions and display)
- 5
Avoid adding conda on system env variable
#33 opened by NicoKiaru - 2
Error with Adding BIOP to FIJI due to JAVA
#35 opened by Gaborandi - 0
- 0
More documentation for CellPose
#5 opened by NicoKiaru - 1
Completely drop venv support ?
#31 opened by NicoKiaru - 2
Cellpose in Fiji for Linux
#30 opened by esgomezm - 1
max labels 65535
#27 opened by romainGuiet - 1
max labels 65535
#28 opened by romainGuiet - 3
ROI from Stardist2D
#26 opened by JLiLab - 5
model files
#25 opened by JLiLab - 4
macOs cellpose wrapper
#9 opened by mutterer - 3
no access to cellpose
#21 opened by Erwan67 - 1
- 1
removes remains of ilastik wrapper
#20 opened by romainGuiet - 4
Cellpose wrapper not working when Diameter Threshold set in the GUI to value different from default
#17 opened by giocard - 0
cellpose venv issue with "--resample"
#3 opened by romainGuiet - 0
image type issue
#13 opened by romainGuiet - 0
run own trained model
#7 opened by romainGuiet - 2
- 1