SLOOP: Rethinking Semantic Graph Matching based Loop Closure Detection as Seeking Aligned Coordinate Space

Primary LanguagePython


File Description

src/SLOOP.py : main code

Change the < dataset path > in line 1103 of SLOOP.py before running SLOOP.py.

data/log : save the result file of loop closure detection.

src/analyze-benchmark.py : analyze the F1, EP, AP metrics and plot P-R curves.

src/pose_refine_readme.md : show the usage of pose refining.

src/data/icp_data : save the result file after pose refining.


We provide the semantic kitti 07 dataset here: semantic_kitti-07. Please uzip and save it in 'your dataset path'.

Changing the dataset_path in config/sk_preprocess.yaml to your dataset path is needed.


The first time you run, you need to install some libraries:

conda create -n SLOOP python=3.9
conda activate SLOOP
conda install -c conda-forge opencv
conda install numpy matplotlib pandas
conda install -c open3d-admin open3d
pip install pyyaml==5.3.1 rospkg==1.5.0
pip install pycryptodomex
pip install gnupg
conda install -c open3d-admin -c conda-forge open3d
python src/SLOOP.py


conda activate SLOOP
python src/SLOOP.py

If you need to get the pose estimation result, you can first set the vairable save_icp_result at around line 53 in SLOOP.py to 1, then run the SLOOP.py to generate the result file. After that, you can run the plot_icp_result.py to plot the pose estimation result.