
BU Analytics plugin for C# and Unity written in .NET.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

C# and Unity Plugin

BU Analytics plugin for C# and Unity written in .NET.

Please visit our BU Analytics website for more information.


For Unity you must install the BUAnalytics package into your project by navigating to Edit > Import Package > Custom Package.

For native C# you must copy the BUAnalytics library from the BUAnalytics folder into your Visual Studio project.


To authenticate with the backend you must first create an access key through the web management interface. Then pass these details into the api singleton instance.

BUAPI.Instance.Auth = new BUAccessKey("58ac40cd126553000c426f91", "06239e3a1401ba6d7250260d0f8fd680e52ff1e754ebe10a250297ebda2bac41");

Getting Started

You can use the convenience method to quickly add a document to a collection which will be created and uploaded automatically.

BUCollectionManager.Instance.Add("Users", new Dictionary<string, object>(){
    { "userId", .. },
    { "name", .. },
    { "age", .. },
    { "gender", .. },
    { "device", new Dictionary<string, string>{
        { "type", .. },
        { "name", .. },
        { "model", .. },
    } }

If you would like to manage your own collections and documents please see below.

Creating Collections

We must then create the collections that we would like to use throughout the application. This can be done at any point and as many times as needed however collections will not be overwritten if created with a duplicate names.

BUCollectionManager.Instance.Create(new string[]{

Creating a Document

We can create a document using a dictionary literal that allows for as many nested values as needed. Documents support nested dictionaries, arrays and will encode literal data types when uploading to the backend server.

var userDoc = new BUDocument(new Dictionary<string, object>(){
    { "userId", .. },
    { "name", .. },
    { "age", .. },
    { "gender", .. },
    { "device", new Dictionary<string, string>{
        { "type", .. },
        { "name", .. },
        { "model", .. },
    } }

You can also create documents through the add method or can access the raw dictionary object through the contents property.

var userDoc = new BUDocument();

userDoc.Add("userId", ..);
userDoc.Add("name", ..);

userDoc.Contents["age"] = ..;
userDoc.Contents["gender"] = ..;

Adding a Document to Collection

You can then add one or more documents to a collection through the collection manager.

BUCollectionManager.Instance.Collections["Users"].AddRange(new BUDocument[]{ userDoc1, userDoc2, userDoc3 });

Collections will automatically push all documents to the backend server every two seconds if not empty. You can also manually initiate an upload either on all or a specific collection.


You can also use the interval property to configure how often collections are uploaded in milliseconds. The default is 2000 milliseconds and setting it to 0 will disable automatic uploads.

BUCollectionManager.Instance.Interval = 4000;

Error Handling

You can subscribe to actions in the collection manager to notify you when collections upload successfully or return errors.

BUCollectionManager.Instance.Error = (collection, errorCode) => {

BUCollectionManager.Instance.Success = (collection, successCount) => {

You can also provide error and success actions to an individual collection using the upload method.

Unique Identifiers

You can use our backend to generate unique identifiers for use inside documents. Setup the cache at startup specifying how many identifiers you'd like to hold.


Once the cache has been marked as ready you can generate identifiers at any time.

if (BUID.Instance.IsReady){
    userDoc.Add("userId", BUID.Instance.Generate());

You can modify the refresh frequency or size of the cache depending on how many identifiers you require. GUIDs will be generated as a backup should the cache become empty.

BUID.Instance.Interval = 4000;
BUID.Instance.Size = 100;


The hostname defaults to the university server although we can change this if necessary.

BUAPI.Instance.URL = "https://192.168.0.x";
BUAPI.Instance.Path = "/api/v1";