MPC path follower, Using ros navigation stack, Working with move_base, Not stable version Currently, it only can follow global path with small curve.
- Will, zhang
Date: 2019.07.18
- Nonlinear Bicycle Model Based MPC (through ipopt solver)
- Based on ros navigation
- Install ROS Kinetic (Desktop-Full) (
- Install dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get install remmina synaptic gimp git ros-kinetic-navigation* ros-kinetic-gmapping ros-kinetic-ackermann-msgs ros-kinetic-turtlebot*-y - Install Ipopt: Please refer (
- create your own catkin_ws
( - cd catkin_ws/src
- git clone
- cd ..
- catkin_make
- ---to launch turtlebot gazebo
- roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch
- ---to launch mpc path follower
- roslaunch mpc_path_follower mpc_test.launch
- ---to launch rviz
- roslaunch mpc_path_follower view_navigation.launch