
Official fork of Gamelodge: where everything is made by users

Primary LanguageC#


Gamelodge is a place to play fun games made by other users, and build games of your own, on desktop or in VR.


  • Extremely bit-efficient networking
    • Roughly 2x the thoroughput of Photon
    • 65k object limit
    • Completely free of runtime memory deallocation
    • Because the network stack is so efficient, you can synchronize complex objects like ragdolls
  • Save to a local file the entire networked game state as a recording
    • Great for making gameplay videos, you can re-watch what was happening from different perspectives
    • Incredibly useful for fixing bugs. Users can send devs the recording demonstrating what happened
    • Replay recordings with edited scripts to quickly verify that an issue has been fixed
  • VR and Desktop supported
    • Switch back and forth at runtime via F2
  • Multiplayer building
    • You can build games, write code, and test while people are playing
  • Compile-free
    • All programming is done in MiniScript, a lua/python like language focused on simplicity
    • Although simple, the scripting is full-featured enough to create complex behaviors like the MuscleMover


  • The desktop building controls are slow, buggy, and difficult. It needs to be rewritten
  • The scripting API should be cleaned up, it's not clear how to call certain functions
  • There are a decent number of known bugs, most from unanticipated mixtures of scripts, and from race conditions
  • Downloading a new asset bundle can cause you to disconnect from the server
  • Functions are currently in the global namespace, there should be a requirement to import functions
  • There's no lobby and only one server room


We currently use Unity 2019.2.14f1 but later versions should work as well.