
F2 Always seems to load Oculus instead of OpenVR

andybak opened this issue · 6 comments

ToggleVRMode() in VRSDKUtils has the following logic:

        if(_prevSDK == SDK.OpenVR)
            newSDK = SDK.OpenVR;
            newSDK = SDK.Oculus;

So - we seem to only ever load openvr if it's already been loaded before? But how does it get loaded in the first place?

When launched from Steam you have the option to run Gamelodge in Desktop, Oculus, or OpenVR mode. This corresponds to a launch command of vrmode=oculus or vrmode=openvr. We might want to add some shortcuts so that you have the same set of options with Itch

I was running within Unity. What's the simplest way to simulate those command line switches in the editor?

(Might be worth adding this info to the repo readme)

Yea, I should add this info somewhere.
To simulate this in Unity, you'll want to check out the XR settings under project settings->Player. Just drag to the top the VR SDK that you want to test with

Just drag to the top the VR SDK that you want to test with

Hmmmm. I thought I'd tried that. It seemed to default to "none" and I had to edit the source. Maybe it was user error...

Yes, "none" is desktop mode. Lmk if dragging Oculus/OpenVR to the top doesn't do what you expect