- 2
- 1
About equation23
#66 opened by XipengY - 1
- 2
- 0
About Gaussian normal
#68 opened by kgkgkgjb - 0
question about TNT dataset performance
#65 opened by XipengY - 0
- 0
Input path of DTU dataset
#62 opened by YSYYU - 2
- 1
Question for the normal
#60 opened by SCUTykLin - 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
should the normal be converted into world space?
#57 opened by li-kunyi - 0
Normal only loss
#56 opened by cdcseacave - 2
Training parameters for "modifications"
#52 opened by hiyyg - 2
Usage of kernel_size in computeCov2D function of forward pass not consistent of with Mip-Splatting
#50 opened by vairleon - 5
- 1
- 11
Poor results on custom dataset when distortion loss and normal loss starts
#21 opened by mbernier-arcturus - 5
Mesh extraction segmentation fault
#25 opened by cdcseacave - 4
how to set kernel_size
#39 opened by liwenssss - 1
- 1
When using it seems that gaussians' 3d_filter won't be initialised before using them
#48 opened by LucioSunj - 3
#32 opened by leomessi999 - 6
- 0
- 1
about ./submodules.tetra_triangulation
#46 opened by 2693748650 - 1
Why did you choose to begin reg_kick_on at iter = 15000? Is it related to the desification and pruning of Gaussians?
#44 opened by LucioSunj - 3
colored mesh
#36 opened by hefan14 - 6
Running with mipnerf360/garden
#43 opened by simonobi - 2
How to view the depth map?
#30 opened by forgrabbit - 0
How it performs on the texture-less region?
#42 opened by LucioSunj - 3
About textured
#33 opened by kingk-boy - 2
What expected_coord and Median_coord mean?
#41 opened by LucioSunj - 2
Has GOF integration been adapted to RaDe?
#35 opened by ZachL1 - 1
align mesh
#40 opened by hefan14 - 1
How does RaDe-GS perform in indoor scenarios?
#38 opened by LucioSunj - 2
Preprocessing Custom Dataset
#29 opened by ctrhero - 1
MipNeRF 360 dataset
#37 opened by scy5335 - 2
Rasterized Depth Max Value > 1
#34 opened by shivangi-aneja - 1
OOM on vbg.extract_triangle_mesh()
#31 opened by ThomasWarn - 6
#22 opened by hefan14 - 2
On Code and Formulas
#28 opened by xuncpp - 1
#26 opened by MELANCHOLY828 - 1
Splitting Data to RAM instead of GPU
#23 opened by Fanie-Visagie - 1
Compiler Version
#24 opened by hanspaa2017108 - 3
Settings Please
#20 opened by Fanie-Visagie - 2
About equation 22
#19 opened by lxndrrss - 2
Question about depth computation
#18 opened by LinzhouLi