
Python API to create and display cellular automaton

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


cellular is a Python API to create and display cellular automatons. It provide a class Automate that you can derivate to create custom automatons. The Automate class :

  • Provides a grid variable to store the automate's data.
  • Provides an evolves() method to override in order to describe how the system evolves at step N+1.


import copy

from cellular.automate import Automate

class Blinker(Automate):
    Automate that blink.
    cell_data_type = bool

    def evolves(self):
        Implement a blinker automate which inverse th state of every cell at each evolution.
        current_gen = copy.deepcopy(self.grid)
        for i in range(self.width):
            for j in range(self.height):
                self.grid[i][j] = not current_gen[i][j]
        self.step += 1

blinker = Blinker(2, 2)

blinker.grid[0][0] = False
blinker.grid[0][1] = True
blinker.grid[1][0] = True
blinker.grid[1][1] = False

for i in range(3):
    blinker.save_img(filepath="img/blinker/blinker.%.03d.png" % (blinker.step))


  • Clone this repository : git clone <repo_url>
  • Create a virtualenv (I use Python 3.7 for this project) : py -3.7 -m pip cellular
  • Move into the folder : cd cellular
  • Activate the virtualenv : .\Scripts\activate.bat (windows) or source bin/activate (linux)
  • Install the requirements : pip install -r requirements.txt

Done !

Output and convert to gif

from cellular.samples.langton import LangtonAnt

automate = LangtonAnt(50, 50)

for _ in range(0, 200):
    automate.save_img(filepath="img/langton/langton.%.03d.png" % (automate.step))

Then some ffmpeg : ffmpeg -i img.%03d.png -vf scale=300:300 -sws_flags neighbor output.gif

Langton simulation :

Conway Game Of Life simulation :