
Avoid heap allocation with native strings whenever possible

BeanCheeseBurrito opened this issue · 0 comments

In the current API, strings that need to be passed over to the native side are always allocated on the heap with Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi using the NativeString helper struct.


    string managedString = "Hello World";
    using NativeString nativeString = (NativeString)managedString; // Heap allocation
    random_function(nativeString); // NativeStrings are implicitly casted to byte*/sbyte*
    // String is freed at the end of the scope

Heap allocations are unnecessary in places where strings are freed immediately after use and should be rewritten to use stack allocated memory instead.


    string managedString = "Hello World";
    byte* nativeString = stackalloc byte[managedString.Length + 1];
    StackAllocString(nativeString, managedString);