
An academic research project that I worked on with a team of researchers in the United States.The goal was to explore how amino acid mutations affect the stability of the main protease of the COVID-19 proteome.

Primary LanguageTcl

Research: Impactful Mutations in Mpro of the SARS-CoV-2 Proteome

Goal: Single amino acid substitution in COVID-19 spike protein


Promute builds fine on archlinux 5.6.11-arch1-1

Surface Racer needs libstdc++5


This script is meant to compare the time and performance between proMute with Surface Racer enabled and disabled.

Customize the script to run one or both of the generated mutant scripts from proMuteBatch. Then copy the script into the proMute build directory. Now I know to check the makefile before writing scripts in the build directory...

If you have time installed on the system (not the built in shell command, run with /usr/bin/time) you can profile the performance of the desired script with

/usr/bin/time --verbose ./driver.sh


This program should be run in the em data folder for every mutation. Compile with g++ -o dataParser dataParsing.cpp

It will generate a results.csv file containing the results.