With this plugin you can activate/deactivate the ftp or usb mode, mount/dismount your usb or psvsd, refresh the livearea and other options
- Install QuickMenuReborn Plugin manualy or via Autoplugin2
- Add VitaConnectEverywhere.suprx and VitaConnectEverywhere folder under QuickMenuReborn folder in ur0
See video and for Filezilla FTP client you must create Site in Site Manager and use "only use plain ftp (insecure)" in Encryption
- Enable/Disable FTP Server
- Enable/Disable Notifications
- Enable/disable USB Transfert (PSVita Only)
- Mount/Umount USB/PSVSD
- Refresh LiveArea
- Disable 3G Warning (PSVSD) (PSVita FAT Only)
- Disable/enable Wifi (PSTV)
- Add USBDisable from ibrahim778
- Add FTPEverywhere from teakhanirons
- ibrahim778 for USBDisable
- teakhanirons for FTPEverywhere
- TheOfficialFloW for Vitashell code
- For this release License and DLC Refresh are disable. I enable them for the next release