
For supporting our IL_ROS_HSR code

Primary LanguagePython


Used to support our IL_ROS_HSR code.

For the bed-making project code, see this snapshot in a separate repository.


python setup.py develop

(Or pip install -e . in this directory ... that might be better)


Contains scripts that can be run to train the networks. We use two networks, one for the grasping ("grasp network") and one for the transition policy ("success network").

Both of these call solver = Solver(bed_grasp_options,yolo,pascal) and then solver.train() to train the network, based on core/train_network.py. The difference is that yolo can be the output from networks/grasp_net_cs.py or networks/success_net.py. The pascal portion handles the YOLO pre-trained features, so that the two networks can simply fine-tune.

The networks use TF slim. Documentation here.

Probably better to run for now: use the scripts main/grasp.sh and main/success.sh since these iterate through all indices in a cross validation set, and then put the output to a file, such as in:

./main/grasp.sh | tee logs/grasp.log

so that we can inspect the output later.


(This is older stuff from Michael's documentation)

	○ Bed_grasp_config = grasp network (trains the hsr to use end-effector to make an effective grasp)
	○ Bed_success_config = success network (tells you whether the sequence of states and actions resulted in a successfully made bed)
	○ tl_experiments/ = contains training scripts for transfer learning experiments
○ Other config files are for different bed-making experiments.
	○ Data_manager loads the yolo network and can be used to get the data as an array of images and labels
	○ Grasp_data.py is a data_manager for only the management of the grasp-net data
	○ Timer.py has 3 methods. Tic records the start time, toc returns the difference from the start time or the average time. Remain returns the time at which the timer runs out
	○ Train_fast.py trains the grasp network fast using a Solver class that takes in a network (yolo) and the dataset (pascal)
	○ Yolo_conv_features_cs.py makes the yolo CNN (builds or restores from a given weights file)
		§ Also extracts features from an image using a tensorflow feature extraction function
	○ Train_network.py = used to train the yolo network
	○ Augment_lighting has functions to add lighting noise to images that will later be used as training inputs
	○ Data_augment.py goes through the images and adds lighting-noisy and flipped images to the data set
	○ Grasp_detector.py = Detects the optimal grasp point given an image of the bed
		§ Returns that grasp as a pose, which is a set of x,y coordinates that can be manipulated as necessary
	○ Tran_detector.py = detects whether the image of the bed is ready for a transition to the next robot position
		§ Detects if the robot has successfully done all it can from a spot on the floor
	○ Labeler.py = puts bounding boxes on an image upon loading it [offline]
	○ Online_labeler.py = recomputes bounding boxes after an action is completed
	○ Grasp_net_cs.py = builds the entire grasp net
	○ Success_net.py = builds the success net (whether the bed is made or not)
	○ Draw_cross_hair.py = used to draw an x on top of some location on the given image