LeopotamGroup library for unity3d engine.
Examples moved to separate repository
All code separated to independent subsystems (folders), you can remove unnecessary code for current project:
- Analytics
Google Analytics.
- Animation
Animator helpers, for updating parameters during graph execution flow.
- Collections
Additional collections or replacements of standards with target on performance.
- Common
Common helpers, uses by other subsystems.
- EditorHelpers
Special helpers: show fps, screen capturing of current platform for multiple aspects, csv import (for ex, Google Docs), unlit shader generation, etc.
- Events
EventBus realization with cancelable events, BehaviourTree (action, sequence, parallel, selector, condition and custom).
- Fx
Visual / audial effect helpers: sound / music manipulations, screen fading.
- Localization
Localization support.
- Math
Additional types, 'mersenne twister'-based RNG, fast xor-shift RNG, etc.
- Pooling
Pooling support for any prefabs.
- Protection
Protection for Int, Long, Float types from in-memory searching.
- Scripting
Embedded scripting engine, optimized for low gc usage.
- Serialization
Csv deserialization, Json serialization / deserialization with support of structs and nested objects (lists, arrays, structs, etc).
- SystemUi
Helpers / performance replacements for uGui. DataBinding.
- Threading
Background worker (except WebGl).
- Tutorials
Step by step behaviour helpers, useful for creating ingame tutorial or any other behaviour with ordered / dependent execution. Progress can be saved.
- Tweening
Simple tweening.
The software released under the terms of the MIT license. Enjoy.