
This repository serves as a comprehensive collection of solutions and implementations for the Bin Packing 1D problem.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Bin Packing Problem Optimization Algorithmes

This repository serves as a comprehensive collection of solutions and implementations for the Bin Packing 1D problem. It is a classic optimization problem where a set of items with varying sizes must be packed into a fixed number of bins, while minimizing wasted space.

Code and Algorithmes

Language & Framework

  • The code is written in the Python language.
  • The framework for the GUI is Tkinter.


  • Most common methods for resolving this problem.
  • Graphical user interface.

List of Implimented Algorithmes

  • Branch and bound.
  • Best Fit.
  • First Fit.
  • Next Fit.
  • Worst Fit
  • Tabu Search.
  • Genetic Algorithme.
  • Hybridation WWO (water waves optimiser) and Simulated Annealing.

Article (describe the hybridation schema)

Research Paper

The available research paper document about our hybrid solution is written in 'French'. You can check it in this link.


  • The resulting benchmark table is here.
  • We chose to conduct our test on 18 benchmarks, which are available here.


Comparaison Fitness between (Exact solution, WWO, WWO with hybridation)

Comparaison Execution time between (WWO without hybridation and WWO with hybridation)

For Testing

  • First, download or clone the repository.
  • Second, ensure that you have installed the required libraries and fixed dependencies (path).
  • There is a file named "testParameters.py". If you select another benchmarking file, you will need to make changes in this file (Bins max size and Number of objects).


This repository is licensed under the MIT License.

Thank you to the contributors