
⚠️ Is this package still maintained? ⚠️

Opened this issue · 0 comments

We are in the process of cleaning up unmaintained packages from the BioJulia repo. Unmaintained repositories can be harmful to the ecosystem for several reasons:

  • They reduce the findability of working packages
  • Users may accidentally install an unmaintained package and be frustrated when it doesn't work
  • In contributes to an impression that BioJulia is poorly maintained.

Is this package in a currently in a workable state with the newest version of Julia, and maintained by at least one dedicated maintainer?

If so, _simply reply to this issue that you are the maintainer, and we will close this issue. If not, we will make a pull request in approximately one month that changes the README and documentation to clearly state is it unmaintained. After yet another month, we will merge the PR, and archive the package.