
Interface to tatami representations

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Python bindings for tatami


The mattress package implements Python bindings to the tatami C++ library for matrix representations. Downstream packages can use mattress to develop C++ extensions that are interoperable with many different matrix classes, e.g., dense, sparse, delayed or file-backed. mattress is inspired by the beachmat Bioconductor package, which does the same thing for R packages.


mattress is published to PyPI, so installation is simple:

pip install mattress

mattress is intended for Python package developers writing C++ extensions that operate on matrices.

  1. Add mattress.includes() to the include_dirs= of your Extension() definition in setup.py. This will give you access to the various tatami headers to compile your C++ code.
  2. Add #include "Mattress.h" to your C++ source files. This defines a Mattress class where the ptr member is a pointer to a tatami matrix. Python-visible C++ functions should expect to take a Mattress* or equivalent address (e.g., uintptr_t), after which the ptr should be extracted for use in tatami-compatible functions.
  3. Call mattress.tatamize() on Python matrix objects within each of your functions that call tatami C++ code. This will wrap the Python matrix in a tatami-compatible C++ representation for use in the C++ code. The pointer to the C++ instance can be accessed through the ptr property of the returned object, which can then be passed to C++ code as an uintptr_t to a Mattress instance.

So, for example, we can write ctypes bindings like:

#include "Mattress.h"

extern "C" {

int do_something_interesting(const void* mat) {
    return reinterpret_cast<const Mattress*>(mat)->ptr->nrow();


Which we can subsequently call like:

import mattress

import ctypes as ct
lib = ct.CDLL("compiled.so")
lib.do_something_interesting.restype = ct.c_int
lib.do_something_interesting.argtypes = [ ct.c_void_p ]

def do_something_interesting(x):
    mat = mattress.tatamize(x)
    return do_something_interesting(x.ptr)

Of course, any FFI that accepts a pointer address can be used here.

Supported matrices

Dense numpy matrices of varying numeric type:

import numpy as np
from mattress import tatamize
x = np.random.rand(1000, 100)
tatamat = tatamize(x)

ix = (x * 100).astype(np.uint16)
tatamat2 = tatamize(ix)

Compressed sparse matrices from scipy with varying index/data types:

from scipy import sparse as sp
from mattress import tatamize

xc = sp.random(100, 20, format="csc")
tatamat = tatamize(xc)

xr = sp.random(100, 20, format="csc", dtype=np.uint8)
tatamat2 = tatamize(xr)

Delayed arrays from the delayedarray package:

from delayedarray import DelayedArray
from scipy import sparse as sp
from mattress import tatamize
import numpy

xd = DelayedArray(sp.random(100, 20, format="csc"))
xd = numpy.log1p(xd * 5)

tatada = tatamize(xd)

To be added:

  • File-backed matrices from the FileBackedArray package, including HDF5 and TileDB.
  • Arbitrary Python matrices?

Utility methods

The TatamiNumericPointer instance returned by tatamize() provides a few Python-visible methods for querying the C++ matrix.

tatamat.nrow() // number of rows
tatamat.column(1) // contents of column 1
tatamat.sparse() // whether the matrix is sparse.

It also has a few methods for computing common statistics:

tatamat.column_variances(num_threads = 2)

grouping = [i%3 for i in range(tatamat.ncol())]


These are mostly intended for non-intensive work or testing/debugging. It is expected that any serious computation should be performed by iterating over the matrix in C++.

Operating on an existing pointer

If we already have a TatamiNumericPointer, we can easily apply additional operations by wrapping it in the relevant delayedarray layers and calling tatamize() afterwards. For example, if we want to add a scalar, we might do:

from delayedarray import DelayedArray
from mattress import tatamize
import numpy

x = numpy.random.rand(1000, 10)
tatamat = tatamize(x)

wrapped = DelayedArray(tatamat) + 1
tatamat2 = tatamize(wrapped)

This avoids relying on x and is more efficient as it re-uses the TatamiNumericPointer generated from x.

Developer Notes

Build the shared object file:

python setup.py build_ext --inplace

For quick testing, we usually do:


For more complex testing, we do:

python setup.py build_ext --inplace && tox

To rebuild the ctypes bindings with cpptypes:

cpptypes src/mattress/lib --py src/mattress/_cpphelpers.py --cpp src/mattress/lib/bindings.cpp --dll _core