
An ExperimentHub package for the 1.3 million brain cell 10X single-cell RNA-seq data set.

Primary LanguageR

title author output package vignette
Exploring the 1.3 million brain cell scRNA-seq data from 10X Genomics
name affiliation
Aaron Lun
Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Cambridge, UK
name affiliation
Martin Morgan
Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY
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Exploring the 1.3 million brain cell scRNA-seq data from 10X Genomics

Package: r Biocpkg("TENxBrainData")
Author: Aaron Lun (alun@wehi.edu.au), Martin Morgan
Modification date: 30 December, 2017
Compilation date: r Sys.Date()

The r Biocpkg("TENxBrainData") package provides a R / Bioconductor resource for representing and manipulating the 1.3 million brain cell single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) data set generated by 10X Genomics. It makes extensive use of the r Biocpkg("HDF5Array") package to avoid loading the entire data set in memory, instead storing the counts on disk as a HDF5 file and loading subsets of the data into memory upon request.

Initial work flow

Loading the data

We use the TENxBrainData function to download the relevant files from Bioconductor's ExperimentHub web resource. This includes the HDF5 file containing the counts, as well as the metadata on the rows (genes) and columns (cells). The output is a single SingleCellExperiment object from the r Biocpkg("SingleCellExperiment") package. This is equivalent to a SummarizedExperiment class but with a number of features specific to single-cell data.

tenx <- TENxBrainData()

The first call to TENxBrainData() will take some time due to the need to download some moderately large files. The files are then stored locally such that ensuing calls in the same or new sessions are fast.

The count matrix itself is represented as a DelayedMatrix from the r Biocpkg("DelayedArray") package. This wraps the underlying HDF5 file in a container that can be manipulated in R. Each count represents the number of unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) assigned to a particular gene in a particular cell.


Exploring the data

To quickly explore the data set, we compute some summary statistics on the count matrix. We increase the r Biocpkg("DelayedArray") block size to indicate that we can use up to 2 GB of memory for loading the data into memory from disk.


We are interested in library sizes colSums(counts(tenx)), number of genes expressed per cell colSums(counts(tenx) != 0), and average expression across cells `rowMeans(counts(tenx)). A naive implement might be

lib.sizes <- colSums(counts(tenx))
n.exprs <- colSums(counts(tenx) != 0L)
ave.exprs <- rowMeans(counts(tenx))

However, the data is read from disk, disk access is comparatively slow, and the naive implementation reads the data three times. Instead, we'll divide the data into column 'chunks' of about 10,000 cells; we do this on a subset of data to reduce computation time during the exploratory phase.

tenx20k <- tenx[, seq_len(20000)]
chunksize <- 5000
cidx <- snow::splitIndices(ncol(tenx20k), ncol(tenx20k) / chunksize)

and iterate through the file reading the data and accumulating statistics on each iteration.

lib.sizes <- n.exprs <- numeric(ncol(tenx20k))
tot.exprs <- numeric(nrow(tenx20k))
for (i in head(cidx, 2)) {
    message(".", appendLF=FALSE)
    m <- as.matrix(counts(tenx20k)[,i, drop=FALSE])
    lib.sizes[i] <- colSums(m)
    n.exprs[i] <- colSums(m != 0)
    tot.exprs <- tot.exprs + rowSums(m)
ave.exprs <- tot.exprs / ncol(tenx20k)

Since the calculations are expensive and might be useful in the future, we annotate the tenx20k object

colData(tenx20k)$lib.sizes <- lib.sizes
colData(tenx20k)$n.exprs <- n.exprs
rowData(tenx20k)$ave.exprs <- ave.exprs

Library sizes follow an approximately log normal distribution, and are surprisingly small.

    xlab=expression(Log[10] ~ "Library size"),

Expression of only a few thousand genes are detected in each sample.

hist(colData(tenx20k)$n.exprs, xlab="Number of detected genes", col="grey80")

Average expression values (read counts) are small.

    xlab=expression(Log[10] ~ "Average count"),

We also examine the top most highly-expressing genes in this data set.

o <- order(rowData(tenx20k)$ave.exprs, decreasing=TRUE)

More advanced analysis procedures are implemented in various Bioconductor packages - see the SingleCell biocViews for more details.

Saving computations

Saving the tenx object in a standard manner, e.g.,

destination <- tempfile()
saveRDS(tenx, file = destination)

saves the row-, column-, and meta-data as an R object, and remembers the location and subset of the HDF5 file from which the object is derived. The object can be read into a new R session with readRDS(destination), provided the HDF5 file remains in it's original location.

Improving computational performance

Parallel computation

Row and column summary statistics can be computed in parallel, for instance using bpiterate() in the BiocParallel package. We load the package and start 5 'snow' workers (separate processes).


This function requires an iterator to generate chunks of data. Our iterator returns a function that itself returns the start and end column indexes of each chunk, until there are no more chunks.

iterator <- function(tenx, cols_per_chunk = 5000, n = Inf) {
    start <- seq(1, ncol(tenx), by = cols_per_chunk)
    end <- c(tail(start, -1) - 1L, ncol(tenx))
    n <- min(n, length(start))
    i <- 0L
    function() {
        if (i == n)
        i <<- i + 1L
        c(start[i], end[i])

Here is the iterator in action

iter <- iterator(tenx)

bpiterate() requires a function that acts on each data chunk. It receives the output of the iterator, as well as any other arguments it may require, and returns the summary statistics for that chunk

fun <- function(crng, counts, ...) {
    ## `fun()` needs to be self-contained for some parallel back-ends
    m <- as.matrix( counts[ , seq(crng[1], crng[2]) ] )
        row = list(
            n = rowSums(m != 0), sum = rowSums(m), sumsq = rowSums(m * m)
        column = list(
            n = colSums(m != 0), sum = colSums(m), sumsq = colSums(m * m)

We can test this function as

res <- fun( iter(), unname(counts(tenx)) )

Finally, bpiterate() requires a function to reduce succesive values returned by fun()

reduce <- function(x, y) {
        row = Map(`+`, x$row, y$row),
        column = Map(`c`, x$column, y$column)

A test is

str( reduce(res, res) )

Putting the pieces together and evaluating the first 25000 columns, we have

res <- bpiterate(
    iterator(tenx, n = 5), fun, counts = unname(counts(tenx)), 
    REDUCE = reduce, reduce.in.order = TRUE

Working with Rle-compressed HDF5 data

The 10x Genomics data is also distributed in a compressed format, available from ExperimentHub

hub <- ExperimentHub()
query(hub, "TENxBrainData")
fname <- hub[["EH1039"]]

The structure of the file can be seen using the h5ls() command from rhdf5.


Non-zero counts are in the /mm10/data path. /mm10/indices represent the row indices corresponding to each non-zero count. /mm10/indptr divides the data and indices into successive columns. For instance

start <- h5read(fname, "/mm10/indptr", start=1, count=25001)

retrieves the offsets into /mm10/data of the first 25001 columns of data. The offsets are 0-based because HDF5 use 0-based indexing; we will sometimes need to add 1 to facilitate use in R.

Here we read the first 25000 columns of data into R, using data.table for efficient computation on this large data.

dt <- data.table(
    row = h5read(fname, "/mm10/indices", start = 1, count = tail(start, 1)) + 1,
    column = rep(seq_len(length(start) - 1), diff(start)),
    count = h5read(fname, "/mm10/data", start = 1, count = tail(start, 1))

Row and column summaries are then

dt[ , 
    list(n = .N, sum = sum(count), sumsq = sum(count * count)),
dt[ , 
    list(n = .N, sum = sum(count), sumsq = sum(count * count)),

Iterating through 25000 columns of dense data took about 3 minutes of computational time (about 30 seconds elapsed time using 6 cores), compared to just a few seconds for sparse data. Processing the entire sparse data set would still require chunk-wise processing except on large-memory machines, and would benefit from parallel computation. In the later case, processing fewer than 25000 columns per chunk would reduce memory consumption of each chunk and hence allow more processing cores to operate, increasing overall processing speed.

Session information
