
This project aims at converting a single 2D image to 3D image using Depth map calculations. Only depth maps are generated.

Primary LanguagePython


This readme includes the basic procedure to run the entire code. Follow these steps: 1.) Go to Region-Based Segmentation folder, inside that is lying the Algorithm2 folder. Open it and follow the steps of the readme given in that folder. We have already included a sample input image, run the code on that and find the segmented image and copy paste it to the Depth Map folder in this directory itself.

2.) Go to Vanishing Point folder and follow the readme there. You will get the coordinates of vanishing point as output, which you need to save as they will be used in step 4.

3.) Go to the Scene Grouping folder, inside which you go to Grouping 1 folder and view the readme and runn the code. You see that the output will be stored in the same folder by the name of out.jpg.

4.) The last step involves the combination of last 3 steps results. View the readme inside the Depth Map folder and run the code as given. Make sure that the output of step 2(coordinates) will be used in reversed manner as explained. So kindly take care of that. After you run the code, you will see a series of images of the name referencing the type of the image being in output.

So, this is the procedure of Depth Map calculation used.