
Spack Based Docker Image for NEURON Simulations

Primary LanguageDockerfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Minimal Docker image for NEURON development

docker build -t neuron-dev -f "Dockerfile.min" .
docker run -it neuron-dev bash

Spack Based Docker Image for NEURON Simulations

  • Create SSH key-pair

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f docker_rsa
  • Add SSH public key to the server (bbpcode.epfl.ch)

  • Clone repository

    cd neuron-docker-spack
  • Build image (make sure to use your username on the 'ldap_username' parameter)

    docker build --build-arg username=kumbhar --build-arg password=kumbhar123 --build-arg git_name="Pramod Kumbhar" --build-arg git_email="pramod.s.kumbhar@gmail.com"  --build-arg ldap_username=<YourUsername> -t cellular .

This will build neuron based simulation toolchain and prepare test simulation.

  • To run a simulation within a container:

    docker run -i -t cellular:latest /bin/bash
    cd sim/build/circuitBuilding_1000neurons/
    module load neurodamus/master
    mpiexec -n 6 --host localhost:6 --allow-run-as-root special $HOC_LIBRARY_PATH/init.hoc -mpi
  • To run a simulation by launching a container:

    docker run -i -t cellular:latest /bin/bash -c -i 'cd $HOME/sim/build/circuitBuilding_1000neurons && module load neurodamus/master && mpiexec -n 6 --host localhost:6 --allow-run-as-root special $HOC_LIBRARY_PATH/init.hoc -mpi'

You can change the neurodamus module you want to load for your simulation. The installed ones are:

  • neurodamus/master
  • neurodamus-neocortex
  • neurodamus-hippocampus
  • neurodamus-thalamus

For the circuitBuilding only the neurodamus/master and neurodamus-neocortex will work, because the mod files are compiled for neocortex.

  • To run on multiple docker containers:

    • Update docker-compose.yml specification with appropriate number of compute nodes (scale parameter in node service)

    • Launch containers with docker-compose

    • Find compute nodes IP

    • Run simulation on the running containers

      # start cluster
      $ docker-compose up -d
      # check cluster running
      $ docker ps
      CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND               CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                   NAMES
      0b2b5386ce12        cellular:latest     "/usr/sbin/sshd -D"   8 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes>22/tcp   neurondockerspack_login_1
      1643c10a96af        cellular:latest     "/usr/sbin/sshd -D"   8 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes        22/tcp                  neurondockerspack_node_1
      7ac4b751c574        cellular:latest     "/usr/sbin/sshd -D"   8 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes        22/tcp                  neurondockerspack_node_3
      60ec8d0e7052        cellular:latest     "/usr/sbin/sshd -D"   8 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes        22/tcp                  neurondockerspack_node_2
      # find ip of compute node
      $ PROC_PER_NODE=2
      $ COMPUTE_NODES=`docker ps -q --filter "name=node_" | xargs docker inspect --format "{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}" | xargs echo | sed -e $"s/ /:$PROC_PER_NODE,/g"`:$PROC_PER_NODE
      # make sure nodes are connected (username used inside container)
      $ USERNAME=kumbhar
      $ docker-compose exec --user $USERNAME --privileged login /bin/bash -c -i "\$MPIEXEC -n 6  --host $COMPUTE_NODES \$HOME/test/hello"
      Hello world from processor 1643c10a96af, rank 0 out of 6 processors
      Hello world from processor 1643c10a96af, rank 1 out of 6 processors
      Hello world from processor 60ec8d0e7052, rank 2 out of 6 processors
      Hello world from processor 60ec8d0e7052, rank 3 out of 6 processors
      Hello world from processor 7ac4b751c574, rank 4 out of 6 processors
      Hello world from processor 7ac4b751c574, rank 5 out of 6 processors
      # run simulation using multiple containers
      $ docker-compose exec --user $USERNAME --privileged login /bin/bash -c "cd \$HOME/sim/build/circuitBuilding_1000neurons && . \$SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/setup-env.sh && module load neurodamus/master && \$MPIEXEC -x HOC_LIBRARY_PATH -n 6 --host $COMPUTE_NODES \$SPECIAL \$HOC_LIBRARY_PATH/init.hoc -mpi"
      NEURON -- VERSION + master (9f36b13+) 2018-08-28
      Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2018
      See http://neuron.yale.edu/neuron/credits
      Additional mechanisms from files
      create file ./out.dat
      			  Event Label  Node  MinTime  Node  MaxTime
      accum                    Synapse init     4     0.00     5     0.04
      accum                       file read     0     0.00     0     0.00
      accum                     Replay init     0     0.00     0     0.00
      accum                         stdinit     2     0.13     4     0.18
      accum                          psolve     4     9.79     3     9.82
       memusage node 0 according to nrn_mallinfo:
      # remove containers
      $ docker-compose stop && docker-compose down
  • Notes :

    • Do not push the image
    • Remove ssh key from server once the image is built
    • Todo : need to squash all layes

Funding & Acknowledgment

The development of this software was supported by funding to the Blue Brain Project, a research center of the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), from the Swiss government's ETH Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology.

Copyright © 2018-2022 Blue Brain Project/EPFL