- 5
y axis coordinate
#94 opened by arcolombo - 6
loadImages Subscript Error
#93 opened by DarioS - 3
compImage function
#92 opened by SchulzDan - 0
- 1
Switch to snapshot unit testing
#35 opened by nilseling - 0
Setting custom breaks in colour parameter
#69 opened by MureziCapaul - 1
no detected spatial_community
#89 opened by Elena983 - 0
Strip out CytoImageList
#64 opened by nilseling - 3
BPPARAM + on disk handling on images
#88 opened by andrea-de-micheli - 0
In measureObjects, replace merge by left_join
#87 opened by nilseling - 0
Fix corner case bug in cytomapperShiny
#85 opened by nilseling - 1
Fix pattern argument in loadImages function
#55 opened by nilseling - 2
Cytomappershiny questions
#78 opened by ssaintsoon - 2
- 3
Modifying `h5FilesPath` for `CytoImageList` object
#76 opened by ynanli - 3
Reader function for single-channel tiffs
#60 opened by nilseling - 3
Memory usage with big data sets
#73 opened by Mark-Ste - 0
Color legend change
#75 opened by Tsuyshi - 1
Bug in violin plot
#70 opened by nilseling - 11
Make image handling more efficient
#58 opened by nilseling - 0
Developmental changes
#67 opened by nilseling - 9
- 0
Add option to remove cells after gating
#66 opened by nilseling - 6
- 2
mcols to colData
#62 opened by ellispatrick - 3
show clustering groups in cytomapper
#59 opened by sailseem - 1
Keep metadata when compensating images
#56 opened by nilseling - 1
Add function to compensate images
#53 opened by nilseling - 5
- 1
- 1
- 1
Allow/document cowplot/patchwork support
#47 opened by nilseling - 4
- 6
How to export cell mask from qupath?
#48 opened by kaizen89 - 1
Bug when setting `legend = NULL`
#45 opened by nilseling - 1
- 2
Implement cellDist function
#44 opened by nilseling - 1
Implement a measureObjects function
#38 opened by nilseling - 1
Implement HDF5Array backend
#37 opened by nilseling - 1
Use shinytest for javascript testing
#36 opened by nilseling - 0
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 1
- 1
Change "highly multiplexed imaging cytometry" to "highly multiplexed imaging" everywhere
#23 opened by nilseling - 1
shiny: wrong outlines
#32 opened by toobiwankenobi - 0
Test if images that are being returned are numerically the same as EBImage output
#20 opened by nilseling - 1
- 1
Make normalize function more efficient
#21 opened by nilseling