
km/h speed in IC not aligned with eon

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When running IC integration, the ACC/PCC speed set in the IC does not align with the eon. eg. set the cruise speed to 90 km/h - the IC shows 88 km/h. try and increase the speed 1km/h by pushing the stalk up - still shows 88km/h, but eon shows 91 - and car maintains 91km/h. Do it again at IC will show 91 - but eon 92km/h.

if they don't push 0.6.5 soon for another merge i will start fixing this. it's not an "easy" one as Tesla does not have a default unit of measure, so we need to send kph when the car expects kph and mph when the car expects MPH. We would have to rewrite PCC/ACC to work with variable units (right now they operate in kph) and then interface with the car the right way. Not very complicated but many changes so will only attempt in a downtime.

Fixed in release (126567b)