
Problem with insert data query

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I'm trying to insert data into my RDF database using PHP. This is my code:

$query = "PREFIX vc: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>

    vc:AnimalLipid_6666661 vc:amountNutrient 6666.66 .
    vc:AnimalLipid_6666661 vc:unit  \"g\" .
    vc:AnimalLipid_6666661 rdf:type vc:AnimalLipid .
   vc:AnimalLipid_6666661 rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual . 

$sp_write = new Endpoint($end);
$res = $sp_write->query($query);
$err = $sp_write->getErrors();
if ($err) {
                throw new Exception(print_r($err,true));

The result is an error saying "Sorry, you have no permission to access the database". Why? There is no autentication in my RDF database. My server is graphDB. How can I make it work? Where I'm wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help.

First of all thanks for your kind reply! I've tried to add the readandwrite parameter in the constructor

$sp_write = new Endpoint($end,false);

The whole code is the following:

$query = "PREFIX vc: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>

    vc:AnimalLipid_6666661 vc:amountNutrient 6666.66 .
    vc:AnimalLipid_6666661 vc:unit  \"g\" .
    vc:AnimalLipid_6666661 rdf:type vc:AnimalLipid .
   vc:AnimalLipid_6666661 rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual . 

$sp_write = new Endpoint($end,false);
$res = $sp_write->query($query);
$err = $sp_write->getErrors();
if ($err) {
                throw new Exception(print_r($err,true));

Now I got a different error. The output is the following:

Array ( [0] => Error query : PREFIX vc: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: INSERT DATA { vc:AnimalLipid_888930 vc:amountNutrient 8889.3 . vc:AnimalLipid_888930 vc:unit "g" . vc:AnimalLipid_888930 rdf:type vc:AnimalLipid . vc:AnimalLipid_888930 rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual . } Error endpoint: http://localhost:7200/repositories/virtualcoachupdate/ Error http_response_code: 404 Error message: [1] => Error query : PREFIX vc: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: INSERT DATA { vc:AnimalLipid_888930 vc:amountNutrient 8889.3 . vc:AnimalLipid_888930 vc:unit "g" . vc:AnimalLipid_888930 rdf:type vc:AnimalLipid . vc:AnimalLipid_888930 rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual . } Error endpoint: http://localhost:7200/repositories/virtualcoachsparql/ Error http_response_code: 200 Error message: Error parsing XML result:Invalid document end Response : ) Exception encountered, of type "Exception"

It somehow try to reach "virtualcoachupdate" in my endpoint which doesn't exist. Any idea? Thanks in advance again.

I tried to put both false and true in the constructor after setting the endpoint but still no results :(

$sp_write = new Endpoint($end,false);
$sp_write = new Endpoint($end,true);

Is this the right?

Yes I've tried to execute the query manually from GraphDB and it works like a charm. I tried to enable debug mode now and this is the output.`

query : PREFIX vc: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: INSERT DATA { vc:AnimalLipid_93230 vc:amountNutrient 932.3 . vc:AnimalLipid_93230 vc:unit "g" . vc:AnimalLipid_93230 rdf:type vc:AnimalLipid . vc:AnimalLipid_93230 rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual . } endpoint : http://localhost:7200/repositories/virtualcoachupdate/ http_response_code : 404 message : ####################### =========================>>>>>>Error query : PREFIX vc: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: INSERT DATA { vc:AnimalLipid_93230 vc:amountNutrient 932.3 . vc:AnimalLipid_93230 vc:unit "g" . vc:AnimalLipid_93230 rdf:type vc:AnimalLipid . vc:AnimalLipid_93230 rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual . } Error endpoint: http://localhost:7200/repositories/virtualcoachupdate/ Error http_response_code: 404 Error message: =========================>>>>>>Error query : PREFIX vc: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: INSERT DATA { vc:AnimalLipid_93230 vc:amountNutrient 932.3 . vc:AnimalLipid_93230 vc:unit "g" . vc:AnimalLipid_93230 rdf:type vc:AnimalLipid . vc:AnimalLipid_93230 rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual . } Error endpoint: http://localhost:7200/repositories/virtualcoachsparql/ Error http_response_code: 200 Error message: Error parsing XML result:Invalid document end Response : `

And this is the error array printed out:
Array ( [0] => Error query : PREFIX vc: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: INSERT DATA { vc:AnimalLipid_93230 vc:amountNutrient 932.3 . vc:AnimalLipid_93230 vc:unit "g" . vc:AnimalLipid_93230 rdf:type vc:AnimalLipid . vc:AnimalLipid_93230 rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual . } Error endpoint: http://localhost:7200/repositories/virtualcoachupdate/ Error http_response_code: 404 Error message: [1] => Error query : PREFIX vc: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: INSERT DATA { vc:AnimalLipid_93230 vc:amountNutrient 932.3 . vc:AnimalLipid_93230 vc:unit "g" . vc:AnimalLipid_93230 rdf:type vc:AnimalLipid . vc:AnimalLipid_93230 rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual . } Error endpoint: http://localhost:7200/repositories/virtualcoachsparql/ Error http_response_code: 200 Error message: Error parsing XML result:Invalid document end Response : ) Exception encountered, of type "Exception"

Any idea? Thank you very much for your patience!


I will look into it and then get back to you. Thank you very much! Have a nice day :)