
Digital Image Processing Coding Homework

Primary LanguageMatlab


Digital Image Processing Coding Homework

This is about some basic operations for DIP.


DMT : Digital Media Technology

  • HW1 : Scaling an image by bi-linear interpolation(python)
  • HW2 : Histogram Equalization and Filter(matlab)
  • HW3 : Fouier Transform and Filtering in Spectrum Domain(matlab)
  • HW4 : Image Restoration and Colour Image Processing(matlab)

  • HW1 : 使用双线性插值进行图片的缩放(python)
  • HW2 : 直方图均衡化和空间滤波(matlab)
  • HW3 : 傅立叶变换及频谱域的滤波(matlab)
  • HW4 : 图像复原以及彩色图像的处理(matlab)
  • DMT01 : 数字媒体技术基础:检测A4纸并校正
  • DMT02 :数字媒体技术基础:检测A4纸中的线条