
A C++11 loader for levels and tile maps created with LDtk (Level Designer ToolKit)

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

LDtk Loader •

LDtkLoader is a loader for LDtk levels and tile maps.

Use it to load and get data from LDtk projects in your game.

Completely supports the .ldtk format (including external levels).

Sample code

A taste of simplicity :

// load the file
ldtk::Project ldtk_project;

// get a world
const auto& world = ldtk_project.getWorld("MyWorld");

// get a level
const auto& level1 = world.getLevel("Level1");

// get a layer
const auto& bg_layer = level1.getLayer("BgLayer");

// iterate on the tiles of the layer
for (const auto& tile : bg_layer.allTiles()) {
    // do something with the tile (storing, rendering ...)

// iterate on Enemy entities
for (const ldtk::Entity& enemy : level1.getLayer("Entities").getEntitiesByName("Enemy")) {

    // iterate over an array field of Enum values
    for (const auto& item : enemy.getArrayField<ldtk::EnumValue>("items")) {
        // test if field is null
        if (!item.is_null()) {
            // do something with item
            if (item == world.getEnum("Items")["Sword"]) {
                // the enemy has a Sword !

    // get an Entity field
    int enemy_hp = enemy.getField<int>("HP").value();


Should work with any C++11 compiler. You can select Debug or Release mode when building.

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={Debug|Release} ..
cmake --build . --config {Debug|Release}

This will generate the static library. Debug library has the suffix '-d'.

Additional CMake options :

  • -DLDTK_NO_THROW: to print message and exit when there is an error instead of throwing exceptions
  • -DLDTK_BUILD_API_TEST: to build the API test example, to make sure the library works as expected
  • -DLDTK_BUILD_SFML_EXAMPLE=ON: to build the SFML example (requires SFML installed)
  • -DLDTK_BUILD_SDL_EXAMPLE=ON: to build the SDL example (requires SDL2 and SDL2_image installed)
  • -DLDTK_BUILD_RAYLIB_EXAMPLE=ON: to build the raylib example (requires raylib installed)


In the build directory, run :

cmake [-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/install/path/LDtkLoader] ..
cmake --install . --config {Debug|Release}

This will copy the libraries, the headers and the cmake config files to the install path.

How to use LDtkLoader in your project

After installation, to add LDtkLoader to a CMake project, use the find_package command:

find_package(LDtkLoader 1.2)

The find_package command will automatically get the correct library (Release or Debug) depending on your current CMake configuration.

Then, the library should be linked to the target:

target_link_libraries(YourTarget PRIVATE LDtkLoader)

Note : if LDtkLoader is installed at a custom path, you might need to pass a -DLDtkLoader_ROOT=/install/path/LDtkLoader option to cmake.


Documentation is under construction and can be found on the wiki.

Alternatively, you can build the API documentation with doxygen using the provided Doxyfile.


A demo using LDtkLoader with SFML can be found here.

Here is a preview :


A demo using LDtkLoader with Direct X11 can be found here (by @dontpanic5)

Here is a preview :


To Do

  • Helper classes/methods for SFML or SDL rendering
  • API documentation


LDtkLoader is licensed under the zlib license.

Bundled dependencies :