
A 2D dungeon exploring game built to learn game dev. Uses Unity 🕹

Primary LanguageC#


2D game where a player must solve puzzles and fight enemies to advance deeper into a dungeon filled with hidden wealth! The purpose is to fulfill a childhood dream of making a game so this'll be going through a lot of trial/error while learning!

Follow the project breakdown/roadmap here: https://trello.com/invite/b/GcYUdw7H/729d6d0600e6570d9c35a41031c7d83e/dungeon-explorer

May 17, 2020: Bare-bones "game" (v0) Getting the basics of a game down: move player, open locked doors via switch or key, basic interactions and basic win condition of getting to the goal point! Bare-bones Dungeon Explorer


  1. Install Unity.
    • This game uses v2019.3.11f.
    • Select to install VS code as well, if you don't have it you already have it. If you do, you can setup VS code following VS Code's tutorial.
  2. Open Unity Hub.
  3. Click "Add" and select the folder containing this project where you put it locally.
  4. Once Unity loads, press the play button to run the game locally!



For the above link, don't forget to:

  1. All tile dimensions are 16 x 16
  2. Set each asset's "pixel per unit" to 16

