2D game where a player must solve puzzles and fight enemies to advance deeper into a dungeon filled with hidden wealth! The purpose is to fulfill a childhood dream of making a game so this'll be going through a lot of trial/error while learning!
Follow the project breakdown/roadmap here: https://trello.com/invite/b/GcYUdw7H/729d6d0600e6570d9c35a41031c7d83e/dungeon-explorer
May 17, 2020: Bare-bones "game" (v0) Getting the basics of a game down: move player, open locked doors via switch or key, basic interactions and basic win condition of getting to the goal point!
- Install Unity.
- This game uses v2019.3.11f.
- Select to install VS code as well, if you don't have it you already have it. If you do, you can setup VS code following VS Code's tutorial.
- Open Unity Hub.
- Click "Add" and select the folder containing this project where you put it locally.
- Once Unity loads, press the play button to run the game locally!
For the above link, don't forget to:
- All tile dimensions are 16 x 16
- Set each asset's "pixel per unit" to 16