
A mirro repo of GMTracker.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of the CVPR 2021 paper: Learnable Graph Matching: Incorporating Graph Partitioning with Deep Feature Learning for Multiple Object Tracking.
[arXiv] [CVF open access]

Method Visualization

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/jiaweihe1996/GMTracker
  1. Install requirements:
  • Python == 3.6.X
  • PyTorch >= 1.4 with CUDA >=10.0 (tested on PyTorch 1.4.0)
  • torchvision
  • torch_geometric
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Install scs-gpu
pip uninstall scs
cd scs-python
python setup.py install --scs --gpu
  1. Download the MOT17 data and unzip. The data files' structure is like
--- data  
    --- MOT17 
        --- train  
            --- MOT17-02  
            --- MOT17-04  
        --- test  
            --- MOT17-01  
            --- MOT17-03  
  1. Extract inital ReID features:
  • (Preference) For convenience, we provide the preprocessed detection appearance features, which are stored in npy files. You can download them from GoogleDrive or BaiduPan (code: dyvk) and unzip it.
  • Or get refined detections and extract inital ReID features from the ReID model.
  1. Run GMTracker on a sequence:
python gmtracker_app.py --sequence_dir /path/to/MOT/sequence --detection_file /path/to/detection.npy  --checkpoint_dir /path/to/checkpoint_dir --max_age 100 --reid_thr 0.6 --output_file /path/to/output.txt

For example, on MOT17-01 sequence (static camera) with DPM detector:

python gmtracker_app.py --sequence_dir data/MOT17/test/MOT17-01 --detection_file npy/npytest_tracktor/MOT17-01-DPM.npy  --checkpoint_dir experiments/static/params/0001 --max_age 100 --reid_thr 0.6 --output_file results/test/MOT17-01-DPM.txt

or cross validation on MOT17-05-DPM (moving camera, fold2 in val set):

python gmtracker_app.py --sequence_dir data/MOT17/train/MOT17-05 --detection_file npy/npyval_tracktor/MOT17-05-DPM.npy  --checkpoint_dir experiments/moving/params/0001/fold2 --max_age 100 --reid_thr 0.6 --output_file results/crossval/MOT17-05-DPM.txt
  • attributes of each sequences:
FOLD0_VAL = ['MOT17-02', 'MOT17-10', 'MOT17-13']
FOLD1_VAL = ['MOT17-04', 'MOT17-11']
FOLD2_VAL = ['MOT17-05', 'MOT17-09']

STATIC = ['MOT17-01', 'MOT17-03', 'MOT17-08', 'MOT17-02', 'MOT17-04', 'MOT17-09']
MOVING = ['MOT17-06', 'MOT17-07', 'MOT17-12', 'MOT17-14', 'MOT17-05', 'MOT17-10', 'MOT17-11', 'MOT17-13']
  1. Track on all sequences on MOT17 test set:
python motchallenge_tracking.py
  1. Visualize tracking results:
python show_results.py --sequence_dir /path/to/MOT/sequence --result_file /path/to/result.txt --output_file /path/to/output.avi
  1. Cross validation for all sequences on MOT17:
python cross_validation.py
  1. Evaluate cross validation results:
  • You should first organize the validation data folder and put the groundtruth file at MOT17/val/sequense-det/gt/gt.txt like
--- val
    --- MOT17-02-DPM
        --- gt
    --- MOT17-02-FRCNN
    --- MOT17-02-SDP
    --- MOT17-04-DPM
  • and run:
python -m motmetrics.apps.eval_motchallenge ./MOT17/val ./result/val
  1. Training:

    Please download gt.npy from GoogleDrive or Baidu(code: v277), and unzip them in ./npy/ folder, and run

python trainGMMOT.py
  1. Tracklet linear interpolation:
python linear_interpolation.py [--input_dir /path/to/onlinetrackeroutput] --output_dir /path/to/outputdir


This implementation is mainly based on deep_sort repo under GPL-3.0 License. Our ReID model is trained via deep-person-reid repo. The codes in qpth folder are mainly from qpth.

Citing GMTracker

If you find this repo useful in your research, please consider citing the following paper:

    author    = {He, Jiawei and Huang, Zehao and Wang, Naiyan and Zhang, Zhaoxiang},
    title     = {Learnable Graph Matching: Incorporating Graph Partitioning With Deep Feature Learning for Multiple Object Tracking},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {5299-5309}