This repository creates a graph for project tracking.
Keywords: Project, Follow-up
Author: Mateus Seixas, Anderson Lima
Affiliation: BIR - Brazilian Institute of Robotics
Maintainer: Mateus Seixas, Anderson Lima
For more details visit RASC
- Install R extension on VS code
After the installation confirm the installation of the r language server
- Open the R extension menu and install the packages listed below
- ggplot2
- config
- tikzDevice
- Now clone this repository
git clone
- Enter in the repository directory
Now you can edit the config.yml file for your needs, create as many configuration files as you need, or simple run as default configuration
If you create more configuration files, keep the name pattern (config2.yml, config3.yml ... confign.yml), the program will catch the last config file
- The lenght of the "planejado" vector has to be equal to the sum of the lenghts of "realizado" vector and "esforocos" vector.
- The sum of the vector elements of "esforco" vector has to be equal 1.
- The lenght of "datas" vector has to be equal to the lenght of the "planejado" vector.
- Run the script acompanhamento.R at the terminal
Rscript acompanhamento.R
At the output folder there is the LaTex figure graph.text code generated, graph.png figure and a Rplots.pdf pdf file
You can see an example of the graph generated below