Full-Stack Developer, Currently developing projects using RoR, and React. Open for work. Enjoying coding and learning new tech.
MicroverseKigali, Rwanda
Pinned Repositories
Air Pollution APP uses the API provides current, forecast and historical air pollution data for any coordinates on the globe Besides basic Air Quality Index, API returns data about polluting gases, such as Carbon monoxide (CO), Nitrogen monoxide (NO), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Ozone (O3), Sulphur dioxide (SO2), Ammonia (NH3), and particulates (PM2.5 and PM10).
This application allows users to book a house present in our database. The user can set the reservation date and final date for a selected house. If the user is an administrator they can upload a house! and delete it from our database. Built with RoR
In this project, I restructure Books app code. The goal is to make it more organized by using modules. While also practicing the ES6 syntax.
The Blog app is a classic example of a blog website. Blog App is a fully functional website that show the list of posts and empower readers to interact with them by adding comments and liking posts. Built with RoR
This app is about building a mobile web application where you can manage your budget: you have a list of transactions associated with a category, so that you can see how much money you spent and on what.
"Math magicians" is a website for all fans of mathematics. It is a Single Page App (SPA) that allows users to make simple calculations and read a random math-related quote.
NerdFlix is movie streaming app build in ASP .NET Core MVC
I am building my portfolio using HTML5, CSS & JavaScript, through my portfolio you can read and know a little about me and what is in my stack. The website uses media-queries to be adaptable on both mobile and desktop screen.
SpaceX-reservations is an App that displays real live data from the SpaceX API. The App counts with four different pages: Rockets, Missions, Dragons and Profile. In the first three pages, the data is displayed, and the users can book Rockets and Dragons, and join selected space missions. On the Profile page, the user can find a summary of the Rockets and Dragons booked, and the missions joined. Components builded with React, centraliced application's state with Redux, and styling with CSS and SASS.
In the execution of this project, I developed a website that facilitates user registration for the forthcoming webinar. Through the implementation of media queries, I ensured the website's user interface is dynamically adaptable to various screen dimensions. The website was constructed utilizing JavaScript, HTML, and CSS technologies.
Brenda309's Repositories
NerdFlix is movie streaming app build in ASP .NET Core MVC
This project aims to develop a student admission web application using Java Server Pages (JSP) adhering to specific requirements. The application will facilitate a seamless admission process for prospective students and manage their applications electronically.
Trying out stripe to handle the payment using react.
Mobile app UI templete(Drawers, navabar, Humbergur menu) and sign in and signup form.
Web tech Assignment
Practicing unit testing in java.
This app is about building a mobile web application where you can manage your budget: you have a list of transactions associated with a category, so that you can see how much money you spent and on what.
frontend for afri_jewerly for project. build with React-native
e_commerce Rest API. Technology used: spring security, spring boot, JPA(postgress-database).
Building calculator mobile application using flutter
This is a cross-platform mobile application using Flutter that allows users to manage their personal book library. The app will include features to add, edit, delete, and view books. Users can also rate books and mark them as read or unread. The app will store user preferences such as the sorting order of the book list using Shared Preferences.
e-commerce_backend_API, spring boot, spring security, email verification, password encrptions.
This is a cross-platform mobile application using Flutter that allows users to manage their personal book library. The app will include features to add, edit, delete, and view books. Users can also rate books and mark them as read or unread. The app will store user preferences such as the sorting order of the book list using Shared Preferences.
In this small project, I implemented CRUD operation to using Hibernate, JSP and Servlet.
Following the jsp crud tutorial from javapoint website using Hibernate instead of JDBC
This project is designed to demonstrate the implementation of key Android features including BroadcastReceivers, Shared Preferences for theme management, and an Authentication API supporting multiple authentication methods. The app will showcase how to handle system broadcasts, manage user preferences, and provide secure user authentication.
movie app
Interactive Java Quiz App! Users register, take quizzes, & track scores. Built with Spring Boot (backend), JSP (frontend), & PostgreSQL (db). Secure(Using Filter) & user-friendly(using session and cookies)!
my readme templete
This is project, Implented user registration, login and timed email verifation.