Set up a great looking quickly using [this repository].
This code uses the following libraries:
: for building the user interface.numpy
: for creating arrays.matplotlib
: for plotting the stepper motor visualizationhidapi
: for accessing usb connections on the host device
- A base station computer
- A second computer for the robot
- A PWM capable arduino + cable + servo motors and BLDC Motor controller
- A PS5 remote + cable
- clone this repository
git clone ...
- The base station and robot computers must be on the same network. Set up each device with a static IP
- Change the robot IP in '' and '' you can also change the port which is '12345'
- Change the PS5 remote vendorID and productID in ''
- Plug the arduino into the robot
- Run the arduino sketch.ino file on your arduino
- Run the file on your robot
- plug the PS5 remote into the base station
- run the streamlit app with the following command in your base station terminal
streamlit run
This will start the local Streamlit server, and you can access the interface by opening a web browser and navigating to http://localhost:8501
├── # The base station UI to send the Internet commands to the robot
├── customize_gui # class for adding gui elements
├── # The class used to decode received bytes from the wired controller
├── # a helper class for sending Internet IP communciation
├── # Recieves the internet commands and relays them to the arduino
├── sketch.ino # the arduino code to control the motors
├── requirements.txt # the python packages needed to run locally
├── .gitignore # includes the local virtual environment named my_env
└── docs/
└── preview.png # preview photo for Github
Python | Low Code UI | Mobile robot | Internet IP
HIDapi | decode bytes | PS5 | Sony | Dualsense | external device | communication
Mechanical and Robotics engineer
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follow all of these for pizza :)