
Run a camera server on the raspberry pi

Primary LanguageShell

TCP Camera Stream

The camera stream here is optimized for high framerate low latency video served over tcp. We drop denoising the image in favor of lower latency. Built off libcamera and rpicam-apps, linux libraries.


Software Dependencies

This code uses the following libraries:

  • libcamera
  • rpicam-apps


Hardware Dependencies

Mipi camera interface


  1. determine the IP address on your camera server device
hostname -I
  1. run the bash script on your camera server device
  1. Edit the stream IP in the receive.sh file tcp://

  2. run the client script on your recieving device


This will start the video stream transmission



This code is written for use with the bash (bourne again shell) language for use with a linux camera server running libcamera and rpicam-apps and a client that has ffmpeg installed.



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