
History module for the WebRTC SDK.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Displays the local call history. All calls are persisted in a localStorage key with prefix bdsft_webrtc_page_.

Namespace : bdsft_webrtc.default.history

Dependencies : Call Control, Messages, SIP Stack, Sound, Stats


Element Type Description
back span Moves back to the previous history page.
callLink span Closes the history view.
clear span Clears all history pages.
content div Displays all the calls for the selected history page.
detailsClose span Closes the history details view.
forward span Moves forward to the next history page.
statsHolder div Holds the stats view displayed in the history details for a call.


Property Type Description
calls array of objects Objects contain stats, destination, direction, length and date of the call
callsPerPage integer The maximum calls that can be listed on one page. (default : 4)
isBackEnabled boolean True if pageNumber is greater than 0.
isForwardEnabled boolean True if pageNumber is less than the total page count of calls.
maxPages integer The maximum pages that can be displayed in the history. If limit is reached oldest call will be removed. (default : 10)
pageNumber integer The current visible page number of the history


Property Type Default Description
enableCallHistory boolean true True if call history is enabled.


Method Parameters Description
back() Decreases pageNumber by one and thus displays the previous page.
clear() Delete all calls from history and local storage.
forward() Increases pageNumber by one and thus displays the next page.
lastCall() Returns the last call of the call history.


Displays a history row for a call.


Element Type Description
date span Displays the date of the call.
destination a Displays the destination of the call.
direction span Displays the direction of the call.
length span Displays the length of the call.