- 5
Shake is too sensitive
#79 opened by oferRounds - 0
- 0
Remove requestLegacyExternalStorage
#83 opened by LukasJuodeika - 1
AndroidX artifacts
#72 opened by mateuszkwiecinski - 1
Memory leak cause by the library
#74 opened by mateuszkwiecinski - 1
Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Media projections require a foreground service of type ServiceInfo.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_MEDIA_PROJECTION
#77 opened by Tech4Life-salman - 1
Record video fails on Android 10
#68 opened by duncancarroll - 0
Screenshot doesn't see recyclerView border
#80 opened by Dave181295 - 0
- 3
java.lang.NullPointerException Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int' on a null object reference
#78 opened by dgcoffman - 1
Screenshot feature fails on Android 10
#69 opened by duncancarroll - 0
- 3
MainApplication: fail to import sdk.Buglife
#67 opened by oferRounds - 2
- 0
Permissions-related crash
#62 opened by duncancarroll - 0
CodecException when recording video
#63 opened by duncancarroll - 2
RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED permission removed
#61 opened by Abdelrhmanwalid - 2
- 6
Saving annotated screenshot fails
#58 opened by timc-mediamonks - 2
Any chance of replacing Volley with OKHttp?
#55 opened by R4md4c - 2
- 5
Doesn't work with Material Themes
#53 opened by naturalwarren - 2
#52 opened by oferRounds - 1
Move the summary field title to strings.xml
#50 opened by Sonphil - 2
- 1
Is SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW Permission necessary?
#38 opened by lazyFloyd - 4
App Crashes when shaking device
#26 opened by oferRounds - 3
Unable to initialize Buglife. Dependency `` not found.
#35 opened by balrampandey19 - 3
Volley must be explicitly added to build.gradle
#48 opened by schukin - 1
Asking permission when starting the app
#46 opened by felipecastilhos - 3
jsonObjectRequest error launching app
#47 opened by samrombswm - 9
Dependency Volley not found.
#27 opened by ShaishavGandhi - 2
Language support
#45 opened by felipecastilhos - 2
Bug Button not showing
#44 opened by felipecastilhos - 8
App Crash in android 8
#41 opened by tundisi - 1
Stop Reflectively Looking Up Dependencies
#43 opened by naturalwarren - 0
On Kitkat+ devices, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE is granted implicitly, but explicitly checked.
#34 opened by dshen6 - 2
Adding Custom Fields crashed during submission
#40 opened by jibon57 - 4
custom BugReporter impl
#42 opened by dgluhovic - 1
Custom Fields Required?
#39 opened by jibon57 - 1
- 1
The app is crashing if before sending a Bug report if you click on the captured screenshot and try to reopen it.
#32 opened by arnab-kundu - 1
Theming not working
#31 opened - 5
Crash on Oreo.
#28 opened by oleshkevych - 4
Defer bug report processing
#18 opened by alexfu - 1
Exception when submit report.
#17 opened by DavinAhn - 4
- 1
Ask for permissions when do a snapshot
#13 opened by spinillos - 2
- 2
Drawing annotations is slow
#10 opened by schukin