
Very interesting system! Some small findings and a question

Opened this issue · 3 comments


Thanks for the great work and making this available! I've been looking into lightfield technology and how it can be used to capture and play back 3D scenes (in VR, AR, regular 3D) using readily available technology, and this looks like a great toolbox for that! And it's even integrated into Unity already, wow.

Here are a few small things I had to do to get it up and running on my computer, and at the end a question on the usage:

  1. In PerViewMeshesQSTR.compute I replaced the first dot in the cginc file names with a double dot, otherwise the file couldn't be found.
    #include "../../CGIncludes/CoreCG.cginc"
    #include "../../CGIncludes/CameraCG.cginc"
    #include "../../CGIncludes/ColorCG.cginc"
  1. When I ran a sparse reconstruction the first time, it completed very quickly and then said it was succesful, but actually there were no results in the sparse folder. I ran the command line from the Console in a command prompt and found that Colmap was missing glew32.dll. So I ended up copying the files in the Colmap 'lib' folder into the 'bin' folder and that solved it :-)

  2. After computing a reconstruction of the 'door' dataset, I was a bit surprised to see this message: COLMAP camera type SIMPLE_RADIAL is not currently supported by COLIBRI VR.. Suggestion to put the currently unsupported camera models between brackets in the Colmap Editor panel (or something like that)

  3. I ran the reconstruction again, with the undistorted images and PINHOLE camera model, and got a good result I think. Just a question: when I viewed it using the Rendering script, I could not see a result larger than in the attached image , by varying the Focal length and Max blend angle parameters. The list of Blending methods is also smaller than in the tutorial video, maybe because the downloadable unitypackage is a bit older than the development version?

Looking forward to doing additional experiments with it (e.g. to export to a VR experience) !


Hi Greg, thanks for your fast reply!

Re 2: yes, that is correct. Perhaps you have the 'lib' folder of Colmap in your path? I just had a look to see how it's possible that Colmap itself works. Turns out that in COLMAP.BAT the 'lib' folder is added to the path on the fly:

set SCRIPT_PATH=%~dp0

Re 3: Aha, it's good to know that the system automatically changes that folder. I may have changed this to another folder myself, trying to understand how to get everything running. The remark about seeing small squares is based on the situation where the folder is set correctly, so \dense\0, so I must have changed it back. Thanks for the tip.

The folder structure you describe is indeed created, and in the sparse folder there is a cameras.txt which indeed has a PINHOLE camera.
The dense reconstruction was also generated, and I am able to view both the PLY and OBJ files in MeshLab.
After creating the dense reconstruction using Colmap I executed all the follow-up commands, so:

  • convert PLY to OBJ
  • Check OBJ mesh information
  • Simplify OBJ mesh
  • UV-map OBJ file
  • perform automatic retopology

Then in Data processing I check the top two (available) checkmarks:

  • Texture array from color data
  • Per-view meshes from underlying focal surfaces
    Then Process source data button is pressed in Play mode, and Bundle processed data outside of Play mode.

In the Rendering script I then have three options:

  • None
  • Textured focal surfaces
  • Disk-blended focal surfaces

Re 4: Yes, when I use the focal length slider or the Max. blend angle slider, the size of the circle inside the black square changes. I can also modify the focal bounds, but this does not have a clearly visible effect.

A small hypothesis I have is that maybe your pipeline indeed works fully when using synthetic images, but maybe there is a bug when using photographs? As you say, you most likely will see it when recording the last tutorial(s), so I will be on the lookout for them! :-)

When I have some results of my own I will be happy to share them.

All the best, and thanks again,

Hi again Lex,

The tutorial videos are finally online! Sorry this took so long, my workload has kept me quite busy of late. I hope that they can be of use!

Making the videos has helped me notice and repair quite a few bugs in the processing pipeline, so it should now run more smoothly. And there are a few improvements (e.g. recovered 3D mesh appearing as a preview in the Scene view during processing).

Thanks again for your feedback!
All the best,