import MultiScaleDeformableAttention as MSDA

Guanerhua opened this issue · 13 comments

I can not install MultiScaleDeformableAttention can you help me

I can not install MultiScaleDeformableAttention can you help me

Hello, I also meet this problem, but I found the module in, you can try it!

I can not install MultiScaleDeformableAttention can you help me

Hello, I also meet this problem, but I found the module in, you can try it!

Yeah, this module is directly borrowed from You can try follow the original instruction.

@Guanerhua Could you provide your detailed enrionment information and error report? Maybe we can help you solve it. So far as I can tell, make sure that your pytorch & cudatoolkit version (in your conda) keep consistent with your system cuda version (usually /usr/local/cuda), this is a common problem.

I can not install MultiScaleDeformableAttention can you help me

Hello, I also meet this problem, but I found the module in, you can try it!

Thanks,I solve my problem

I can not install MultiScaleDeformableAttention can you help me

Hello, I also meet this problem, but I found the module in, you can try it!

Yeah, this module is directly borrowed from You can try follow the original instruction.

@Guanerhua Could you provide your detailed enrionment information and error report? Maybe we can help you solve it. So far as I can tell, make sure that your pytorch & cudatoolkit version (in your conda) keep consistent with your system cuda version (usually /usr/local/cuda), this is a common problem.

Thanks,I solve my problem

I can not install MultiScaleDeformableAttention can you help me

Hello, I also meet this problem, but I found the module in, you can try it!

Hi,bro. I meet another problem 'Sample_Classifier in depatch_embed is error' .Can you help me ?
`class Simple_DePatch(Simple_Patch):
def init(self, box_coder, show_dim=4, use_auxiliary=-1, **kwargs):
super().init(show_dim, **kwargs)
self.box_coder = box_coder
self.register_buffer("value_spatial_shapes", torch.as_tensor([[self.img_size, self.img_size]], dtype=torch.long))
self.register_buffer("value_level_start_index", torch.as_tensor([0], dtype=torch.long))
self.output_proj = nn.Linear(self.in_chans * self.patch_pixel * self.patch_pixel, self.embed_dim)
self.num_sample_points = self.patch_pixel * self.patch_pixel * self.patch_count * self.patch_count
self.use_auxiliary = use_auxiliary > -1

    if self.use_auxiliary:
        self.classifier = Sample_Classifier(use_auxiliary, kwargs["in_chans"])`

I can not install MultiScaleDeformableAttention can you help me

Hello, I also meet this problem, but I found the module in, you can try it!

Yeah, this module is directly borrowed from You can try follow the original instruction.
@Guanerhua Could you provide your detailed enrionment information and error report? Maybe we can help you solve it. So far as I can tell, make sure that your pytorch & cudatoolkit version (in your conda) keep consistent with your system cuda version (usually /usr/local/cuda), this is a common problem.

Thanks,I solve my problem

@Guanerhua Hello, I would like to ask how you solved this problem about MultiScaleDeformableAttention

eeric commented


I can not install MultiScaleDeformableAttention can you help me

Hello, I also meet this problem, but I found the module in, you can try it!

Yeah, this module is directly borrowed from You can try follow the original instruction.
@Guanerhua Could you provide your detailed enrionment information and error report? Maybe we can help you solve it. So far as I can tell, make sure that your pytorch & cudatoolkit version (in your conda) keep consistent with your system cuda version (usually /usr/local/cuda), this is a common problem.

Thanks,I solve my problem

@Guanerhua Hello, I would like to ask how you solved this problem about MultiScaleDeformableAttention

You can try it!

I can not install MultiScaleDeformableAttention can you help me

Hello, I also meet this problem, but I found the module in, you can try it!

Hi,bro. I meet another problem 'Sample_Classifier in depatch_embed is error' .Can you help me ?
`class Simple_DePatch(Simple_Patch):
def init(self, box_coder, show_dim=4, use_auxiliary=-1, **kwargs):
super().init(show_dim, **kwargs)
self.box_coder = box_coder
self.register_buffer("value_spatial_shapes", torch.as_tensor([[self.img_size, self.img_size]], dtype=torch.long))
self.register_buffer("value_level_start_index", torch.as_tensor([0], dtype=torch.long))
self.output_proj = nn.Linear(self.in_chans * self.patch_pixel * self.patch_pixel, self.embed_dim)
self.num_sample_points = self.patch_pixel * self.patch_pixel * self.patch_count * self.patch_count
self.use_auxiliary = use_auxiliary > -1

    if self.use_auxiliary:
        self.classifier = Sample_Classifier(use_auxiliary, kwargs["in_chans"])`

I am sorry. Content related to use_auxiliary is useless and deprecated. I forget to delete it here. You can simply delete it. (self.use_auxiliary is always False.)

I can not install MultiScaleDeformableAttention can you help me

Hello, I also meet this problem, but I found the module in, you can try it!

Yeah, this module is directly borrowed from You can try follow the original instruction.

@Guanerhua Could you provide your detailed enrionment information and error report? Maybe we can help you solve it. So far as I can tell, make sure that your pytorch & cudatoolkit version (in your conda) keep consistent with your system cuda version (usually /usr/local/cuda), this is a common problem.

i also meet this problem,could you please tell this details how to solve this issue? thanks.

Hi,bro. I followed the origin introduction form But there is a very strange problems, which are as followed with this. Can you help me? platform:Windows 10

vision.obj : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 __imp___tls_offset_?init@?1??lazy_init_num_threads@internal@at@@YAXXZ@4_NA
vision.obj : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 __imp___tls_index_?init@?1??lazy_init_num_threads@internal@at@@YAXXZ@4_NA
build\\MultiScaleDeformableAttention.cp38-win_amd64.pyd : fatal error LNK1120: 2 个无法解析的外部命令
error: command 'D:\\VS\\2022\\BuildTools\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.34.31933\\bin\\HostX86\\x64\\link.exe' failed with exit code 1120

Any Idea I can build it on Ampere Architecture which supports CUDA 11.0 or greater